Chapter 2: "The" Niall Horan

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For a few minutes, I struggled to get my luggage out of our car, when I suddenly thought, *I don't have anywhere to put Maybe I'll go find my room THEN get my luggage out.* So that's exactly what I did.
As I walked through the door, a sudden smell hit me. It smelled like Vanilla and wet dog.😳 How does that even work?? Whatever. I slowly looked around, seeing all of the old-ness in this house. It was an old Victorian house.
{A.N.~ If you don't know what that is, look it up on😉}
I couldn't believe mom chose this old rigid house over that new and improved apartment we saw online. It. Was. GORGEOUS. (Almost as gorgeous as Zac Efron*•*)
Anyways, I covered my nose as I about ran up the stairs. I turned my head around to see 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a BEAUTIFUL window in the front of the house. It would be a great place to watch for my friends outside. If I even GET any new friends. :(
Wondering which bedroom was mine, I took the smaller room because I know that if I take the master, mom would SO kick me out of it. I headed downstairs to get my luggage and ran into the ️wonderful smell of Vanilla and wet dog again. I swear mom had better had already bought an air freshener. There's no way I can stand a day living in this stench.
I walked out the door and saw my mom walking toward me. I quickly whispered to her "you might wanna cover your nose before you get in there" she replied with a confused face and just kept walking.
Ugh! My suitcase got stuck AGAIN! I was trying to pull it out, but that didn't happen very well..... I ended up slapping myself in the face. :{ It hurt. I heard a laugh behind me which startled me and I ended up hitting my head. Today was not my day. I turned around and saw the cutest boy with sandy blonde hair and ocean blue eyes.
"I'm sorry I startled you. Couldn't help myself."
"It's fine. I'm used to it."
"My name is Niall. Niall Horan."
Ugh. Even his NAME is cute!
"Cool." I said
"I-I mean-" I stuttered like a complete idiot. "I'm Precious. Precious Smith. But everyone calls me ci-ci."
"That's a cool nickname."
"Yeah. I guess."
"Well, I have to go but it was nice to.... Startle you." At that, I giggled.
"Yeah. I'll see Ya later."
As he walked away, I kept thinking about his face. His ️wonderful, glorious face. Wondering what he thought of me. He probably thought *Wow. What a total clutz* That was NOT how I wanted to meet a guy. :(

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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