Chapter Forty Eight

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"I don't know why you're dragging me to see this," Shayla griped as Locklyn pulled her toward Hell Hall. "It's just another pointless royal event only this one doesn't even impact us! Just some snooty, bratty Princesses getting magical gifts!"

"Stop your complaining Shayla," Locklyn scoffed. "You're starting to sound like someone from Boreadon. Like Fred always said, it's better to be informed about your enemies rather than be caught by surprise because you didn't take time to do the research."

Shayla shook her head before pausing. "Um...Lock? You better pick up the pace then if you want to use Hell Hall as the place you want to use to watch the christening."


"Because your brothers surprisingly had the same idea."

Locklyn paused. After all, she and Shayla normally pretended like the male members of her family didn't exist. Nevertheless, she went ahead and looked to her right, where Shayla was pointing. Sure enough, her older twin brothers were making their way to Hell Hall. In fact, they were about to beat her to Hell Hall.

"Oh no you don't," Locklyn growled and the two girls began to sprint in an attempt to beat Gaston Jr. and Gaston the Third to the door of Hell Hall. They knew they didn't have to worry about Cruella, she was out with Gothel and then would probably go to Maleficent's castle to watch the christening. Just like she had done for King Beastie Jr.'s coronation.

"What are you doing here Locklyn?" Gaston Jr. spat as Locklyn's hand closed around the door handle.

"Same thing you are apparently," Locklyn shot back. "Watching this pointless pageantry."

"Dad said that Hell Hall is for LeGumes only," Gaston the Third said. "Go find another spot to watch it."

"I am a LeGume!"

"No you're not. Otherwise dad would call you his daughter, wouldn't he?" Gaston Jr. taunted.

Locklyn growled and her hand went to pull out a dagger from her belt as she shoved down any shock that her brothers were admitting she was their sister. While her older brothers may have been allies of Fred's, it didn't mean that she had to put up with their taunting.

Though it was usually Strat or Fred who dealt with them. Probably because Fred didn't want to risk the LeGume boys taking what was his and having another boy end up having a fling with an Angel.

"Locklyn, ignore them," Shayla said, shaking her head. "We were here first after all."

"Actually, dad was here first. We were just getting snacks," Gaston Jr. said with a smirk as he held up a bag filled with what Locklyn could only assume to be Boreadon snack food. "So run along..."

The door opening prevented Locklyn from shooting off a scathing remark and she looked up at her father for the first time since she was born.

"Gaston! Gaston! I didn't expect you to be on the stoop gossiping like old maids!" Gaston Sr. told them, giving his sons a look.

"They held us up!" Gaston the Third said, shaking his head as he gestured to Shayla and Locklyn. "We would have been here without incident otherwise dad."

Gaston Sr. looked over at Locklyn and Shayla, smirking slightly. "Well then, you've done well boys. These two are pleasant to look at at the very least, especially the redhead. Who are we to refuse the company of—?"

"She's your daughter you idiot," Shayla scoffed as she shoved past Gaston Sr. and plopped on the sofa in front of the television. "As for me, none of you are my type. I prefer brains thank you."

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