New Horizons

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 Aidas tilted back his furry white head as much as he possibly could in this feline form before taking smooth, gliding steps towards the shiny black dome. It looked similar to marble, but possessed a darker sheen; as though it absorbed the light around it and pressed it into the structure. How many eons it had taken to create? Even Aidas was unsure of that. 

The Oracle was a rite of passage for young fae already so destined in finding their career path. Far too many creatures had cursed the Oracle for spinning tales around her fingers and weaving them into a web of sensible advice, only to follow her and then blame her for whatever unfortunate event caused their untimely demise in his 5th floor of Hel. Yet, even Aidas was intrigued by the idea of an all-knowing Head of Lunathion who gave either extremely vague or explicit information to those who entered this bulking black cave of wonder. Fumes of smoke and salt roared to his senses, but the stench was nothing Aidas wasn't yet used to. The cat wove his way through gaping tourists' legs and entered the mammoth doors, squinting through the hazy smoke.

Inside the dome, which looked to amass to an even greater extent from the inside, all surrounding noise shifted to halting silence. More of the dark clouds of smoke loomed nearby  and a warm breeze brushed the hair along his neck; Aidas's feline body let out a shiver and stretched. He wasn't surprised to find the Oracle fully aware of who, exactly, he was.

"Aidas, one of the seven of Hel, Prince of the Chasm, demon of the Fifth. To what do I owe this meeting?"

Aidas grinned and cleaved his way forward, gracefully stepping his four limbs towards the Oracle's seat. Her voice was something like a symphony in his head; every note so remarkable yet equally intertwined. He approached as far as he could see her and tried not to let surprise paint his features as Aidas beheld a beautiful woman with luscious brown skin and hair spun gold; her long dress in velvet panels floating down from her waist.

"I have come with a question and seek counsel."

"Of course. Though what you have not come with is an appointment."

Aidas's grin turned feral as he rambled on with his speech.

"As you can see, I am not in the state to set an appointment. I would be more than willing to express my gratitude through the graces of finance, if you're interested."

The Oracle didn't falter a beat. "I do not partake in bribery, however, I will answer your question."

Aidas nodded his white head in thanks and swallowed.

"Will I succeed in overturning my brothers and finally restore Hel to its former graces, bringing glory to this planet?"

The Oracle cocked her head to the side and spoke her symphony again.

"Seek not that of power, but those of righteousness."

Aidas fought his urge to scowl but still chased the words running rampant through his mind.

"Who are they?"

The Oracle began to slowly turn around in farewell and Aidas ground his cat-teeth before she stopped and spoke quietly.

"Theia shines a new horizon," she whispered.

His feline body went stiff as all sounds of the symphony paused and faded into her name. Aidas teemed with the memory of the battle, his eyes cold as her death replayed in her mind. Could Theia be alive?  It was unlikely and impossible, but it could be one explanation. Out of many, considering how little details the Oracle chose to omit. 

The Oracle made her departure back into the depth of the dark dome that she crept out of and Aidas stalked away silently, less in tune with his feline body and its counterparts. He would have to return to the crack in the rift soon, back to the demons and resting of Hel, where perhaps an answer would find its way to his lips. Aidas only knew that the fate of both Midgard and Hel rested on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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