Chapter three

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We opened the door still huddled together.

Once the door was open fully we could see who was standing there.

LOUIS!!!! Phoebe screamed and run and hugged her brother

While I was shocked I didn't know what to do.

Hey phebs Louis said with a chuckle
You gonna let me in or??? Louis asked

Oh ye sorry I forgot I'm just shocked I didn't think I would see you for another couple months Phoebe replied

I know I didn't either but I had time so I thought I would come and spend time with my family. Louis said once he was inside

Oh Louis this is Abigail my new friend go east on her she's a fan Phoebe said jokingly

Hi Abigail you alright Louis asked me

Hi ye I'm fine it's just not everyday you meet the person who's songs you listen to everyday I'm just not used to this I replied with out taking a breath

Wow calm down a bit I don't want you passing out Phoebe said and I took some deep breaths.

Ok well it was nice to meet you I'll go and let you have family time since it's been awhile since you've not seen each other in a while. I say gather my stuff to head home

No no it's fine you were here first I'll just fit in with what ever your plans were. Louis stopped me.

Well we haven't decided what we want to do so it's fine I'll go and let you have time I'll text you later Phoebe ok you guys have fun I say putting my shoes on. When all of a sudden my shoes are off again and I'm being placed on the sofa.

No your not going anywhere we are going to watch movies eat snacks and talk about all the embarrassing thing you've done as a fan of mine. Louis said once he put me down

Ok sure I said not wanting to get on the bad side of Louis.

Ok. Louis said more like a sigh of relief.

We put on a movie and ate popcorn.

Once the movie was done we turned the tv of and started to play truth or dare.

Ok Abigail truth or dare


Are you just a fan of Louis or is it the band and members of Phoebe asked me

Band and members of I said in reply

Ok Phoebe truth of dare


I dare you to go in to the kitchen get the biggest pot you have and a wooden spoon and create a song.


She completed the dare and it was her turn to ask

Ok Louis truth or dare ?


Do you have a crush on anyone one at the moment

I'm not sure yet but I have my eye on someone

Ok your turn to ask Louis Phoebe asked after

Abigail truth or dare Louis said

I'll go with truth

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