Chapter 1-Arrival of the memories

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September 23,1980- Order Of The Phoenix Headquarters

A selected number of Order members were sitting at the meeting table in one of the rooms in the headquarters.The place was given the best protection there is, but for this meeting their leader has added a fidelius charm to it with himself as the secret keeper.

The members were surprised when it was mentioned in their letters and the same thought was passing through their heads "what is this important for Dumbledore to go this extreme measures?" Asked one of them.

"Does anyone have an idea of what's going on?",Frank Longbottom asked.

"No idea at all mate",Answered Fabian Prewett.

"I hope it's good though, I can't take any more bad news",added his twin Gideon.

On the other side of the table three young men were having a similar conversation "Hey maybe old dumbly finally found voldys weaknesses",Sirius Black exclaimed.All he got in return is snorts of laughter from his two best friends.

"We all know voldys weaknesses pads",James Potter told him "common sense".

All Remus Lupin can do is in response is shake his head at their silliness. 'How did they both manage to get married to intelligent women and have kids with them' was beyond him.

As men were occupying themselves by firing suggestions at each other on the reason of this meeting, The women decide to play with their babies.Harry and Emily Potter,Neville Longbottom  and Aurora Black. Neither one of the new mothers A.K.A , Alice,Lily and Amanda could let their baby out of sight for even a short amount of time thanks to a psychopath and his minions.

"Ooh they're so precious",Said Marlene McKinnon while Emmeline Vance nodded on agreement. "They make me warm up to the idea of having kids"She added with a side look at Gideon.

After 15 minutes of waiting Albus Dumbledore,Minerva Mcgonagall and Alastor Moody entered the room followed by Arthur and Molly Weasley with their kids.Everyone was surprised especially the Prewett Twins because the Weasley's were not part of the Order.

"Molly what are you doing here?",Said Gideon after recovering from the shock.

"We just got a letter from Albus saying he wanted to meet us for something important",Arthur shrugged.

Before anything else could be said Dumbledore told everyone to sit down so he can explain. "Yesterday when I was in my office a flash of golden light appeared leaving behind a rectangular device with some letters".

"So we are here because someone sent a letter and some rectangular thing",Stated Alastor Moody.At Dumbledore's nod he asked "what is so important about these letters that you had to call an emergency meeting and invite the Weasley's?"

Dumbledore smiled and opened one of the letters to read out loud.

Dear Albus,

I am written this letter while sitting at the headmaster's office in Hogwarts year 1998. Gasps were heard around the room. The second wizarding war has just ended. We won but the outcome was too heavy. As a results, We decided that changes need to be done.We decided to help with information in your fight against the dark side. To end Voldemort the first time around and save innocent lives.

Our help is from the memories provided by the Potter Twins and their friends. At the mention of their children.James and Lily's head perked up. There are three or four memories from other people to help you understand things better.The memories are stored in the rectangular device we have sent you.It is a mix between a pensive and a muggle TV to allow you all to watch at the same time.It allows you to feel the emotions and hear the thoughts of the person who provided the memories.To activate just say "Mischief Managed" and to deactivate say "Fawkes". We know that you will not be able to keep quiet all the time so we designed the device to pause projecting when someone talks. With this letter we enclosed the names of the people who can watch the memories. Only they are allowed to see anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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