The Routine.

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It's a foggy morning in Ohio, birds are tweeting and chirping on tree's outside, the green grass is growing wonderfully, it was damp, and just the right temperature for an amazing morning. Kaleb heard the bustling sounds of children in his home, shaking him awake as he slowly woke up. Kaleb could see two figures, he couldn't identify any defining features, but he could see they were wearing Yellow and Orange shirts. Kaleb slowly got up off of the bed, the kids shouting at him about waffles, and pancakes, all being made by his wonderful wife. Kaleb wiped the hair out of his face, being dragged into the Kitchen by the tiny gremlins. Kaleb could hear a feint voice calling to him, just out of his view, just out of his reach. As soon as Kaleb stepped foot into the kitchen, he woke up. Kaleb felt his ear perk up, and a solid desk under his head. He held a hand on his head, shaking it before looking around. He recognized this place, the place he wished he would never return, VERS. He reached his hand out, his paw glistening in the light of the bulb above him, and reflecting off the bottles of alcohol next to him, primarily vodka. Kaleb dragged himself out of his office chair, ruffling his fur and fixing it before beginning to stretch, doing some "dog" stretches, as were labeled in the manual he read. He stood up, groaning and leaning his back backwards, feeling absolutely awful. Before he had time to think about the life he could have had, before the Pale-Virus, he heard some conversation down the hallway. Kaleb fixed his lab coat before walking out to investigate what the noise was about. Two people in various clothing were discussing how horrible the place is, how their evening was, etc. Kaleb sighed, looking around before walking over to the persons, beginning to talk about what could've been with them, and how they would spend their days. He looked around once more, turning back to the group and sighing, accepting this was his life now, in this facility, with this living environment. 

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