Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


3 Years ago.

As i took in my surroundings a faint glimmer of recognition skipped across my mind, but was gone as soon as it had come. I had been here before I was sure of it, but why couldn't I remember?

I heard a low shuffling sound on the sand behind me, and turned to see Luke leaning against a palm tree, cocunut in his hand.

"want some?" he asked offering me what was left of the milk inside.

I sneeked a quick glance into his eyes to see his kind intentions, but declined his friendly offer anyway.

That had always been my favourite part of having a gift, just one look into somebody's eyes would reveal every last detail of their life. Not that I was nosy enough to rummage through other peoples thoughts in search of secrets or gossip, but given my situation it was useful to know intentions behind a person's actions. Although others peoples gift's did scare me sometimes. Like Lukes ability to send an entire room full of people unconscious, without them being able to do anything about it. Which is where my gift became useful: i could easily tell if someone was planning against me, and maybe even prevent it. If i was lucky.

I turned away from Luke to look back out to sea, it was a calm day with only a slight wind pulling small waves over my feet as I stood on the perfectly white sand. My thoughts were calm, even though I was mentally going through my plan of utter betrayal.

Luke had it coming I told myself over and over again, he had broken the rules and now he should be punished! It was what he deserved.

"Do you have the necklace?" I asked him, despite the fact that I already knew the truth, how he had already stolen the necklace and had it in a box within his jacket pocket.

"it's safe" He replied, if only he knew I could read minds, i thought to myself.

Everything went by so quickly after that, that I wasn't even too sure if it had really happened or not, but I had done my part, I had called them here and I had confirmed for them that Luke had the necklace with him, now I only had to wait for them to take him away so that i could retrieve my necklace back off of him.

I should of guessed that it wouldn't be so easy.

After appearing out of nowhere at my side they disappeared leaving nothing behind but a simple note:

                                                                 *   *   *   *   *   *  *

                                   We have Luke and the necklace which we will keep safe, and

                                   don't worry Luke won't find you again. We'll make sure of it.

                                   Stay safe 

                                   Uncle Rick  xx

                                                               *   *   *   *   *   *   *


So that was it then? Luke would be sent to hell for the crimes he had commited and I wouldn't even get my necklace back?! 

Something must have gone wrong if they wouldn't even trust me with it, but why was I still being protected if Luke was locked away and I didn't even have the necklace. What else was there to protect me from? It wasn't a thought I liked to dwell on.








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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2011 ⏰

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