Characters and miraclouses amd thir names

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Hi there here are the Characters and miraclaous for the story

1.Marinette has the mouse miraclus(Multi mouse)
2.Adrien Has the snake miracluse(Aspik)
3.Rose has the love miraclus(Pure love)
4.Juleka has the cloud miraclus(Clodia)
5. Kagami has the water miraclous(Waterbia)
6.Luka has the fire miraclous(Ash)
7. Princeses has the earth miraclous(Princeses Earth)
8.Judy has the air miraclous(Miss wind)
9.Meyene has the pig miraclous(Pigletta)
10.Chloe has the fox miraclaous(Queen Foxy)
11.Ayla has the bee miraclous(Vesboria)
12.Zoe has the tiger miraclous(Tigerla)
13.Mrs bustie has the ox miraclous(Mrs OXIA)
14.Mr damcloes has the owl miraclous(Mr Owlbia)
15.Aroura has the goat miraclous(Madam goat)
16.Allix has the panda miraclous(pandar) has the turtle miraclous(King Turtle)
18.Nino has the monkey miraclous(Mokey)
19. Max has the dragon miraclous (Mr dragon)
20.Nath has the bunny miraclous(Borix)
21.Sabrina has the Horse miraclous(Baigashia)
22. Ivaan has the Dog miraclous(Barrrking)
23. Alice has the rooster(Mrs rooster)
24.Gale has the bird miraclous(Gailbird)
25.Bridgette has the egale miraclous(Eagalia)

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