Part II: Shared Feelings

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Reader POV

It's been several days since Felix appeared at my door. During most of the day, I only see him from a distance. He doesn't exactly have to take part in the training the rest of us do after all. As the days cool down into the evening, I do get to see him more. We talk and bond over the little past time we do get. Any time I get to spend with him is time I don't want to lose. The nights, however, have been awkward. I admit that it's entirely my fault. I can't help it. Seeing him in his feminine attire is one thing, but his cute little pajamas is another. It feels more intimate because only I see it.

There is always a little tension in the air as we both go to bed. Again, it's my fault. I stumbled over my words, I lose my train of thought, I drift into space. But, most embarrassingly, he's been catching me staring. I hate that the most. When people catch you staring for any reason it burns into your soul. In this case it's even worse, because we're both basically in our underwear.

Other than this speed bump, it's been really nice. I love spending time with him and getting to know the famous crossdressing knight of Lady Crusch. Plus, I think he likes spending time with me too. It's hard for me to read it, but I think we're a lot closer now than other knights are with him. Maybe it's because of his exterior. Either way, we've both been enjoying ourselves.

I sit again in my pajamas. It's freezing in this bedroom. I eye the door, expectantly. Tonight I'm going to try my hardest to not be so awkward and weird. I'll spark a conversation when he walks in, maybe that will make things a little less dense in here.

Right on queue, there's a knock at the door.

Y/N: "Come in!"

Felix opens the door and slips inside quickly, sparing me the harsh light from the hallway. He's wearing the same outfit from the first night, the long shirt and black thigh highs. I blush slightly. Trying to hide it I look out the window, silently. Dammit, I've already ruined it.

Felix: "Sorry I'm always late, nya. I'm always ny'ervous I'm going to wake you up when I come to bed."

Y/N: "Oh don't worry about it! I tend to wait for you anyway."

Felix: "Nya? How come?"

Y/N: "Well, I only get to talk to you so much during the day. So, I like to spend at least a little bit of time with you before we sleep."

This honestly truthful answer shocks us both.

Y/N: "I mean! Like-"

Felix: "Really? You're that committed to making it so weird in here?"

Damn, Felix. Way to hit the nail on the head.

Felix: "Nyaha~ I'm only kidding, Y/N. Don't be such a grump.

He walks over to me and surprisingly puts a hand on my shoulder. It's so soft and dainty, yet I feel it electrify through my body like lightning.

Felix: "I look forward to spending time with you too, no matter how weird you make it, nya!"

He pushes off me with a friendly wink. As he walks away, I see the base of his tail lift the shirt he's wearing. Wouldn't you know it, the same frilly black pair of panties. My blush streaks across the bridge of my nose. He looks over his shoulder at me.

Felix: "Though, I have caught on to your eyes, Y/N. The way they look at me? You're so lewd you know?"

Y/N: "W-wait what!? I haven't been staring, you're crazy! I-I've just been-"

Felix: "Nyahaha! You should see your face! You're so easy to mess with, nya."

He pulls his hands up to his chest like paws as he laughs. I hate him in this moment, but he's really cute. He makes his way to me, still laughing his cat laugh. He plops back onto my bed beside me.

Felix: "Nyaha. I'm sorry, Y/N. Really, it's okay to stare."

Y/N: "...I don't stare."

Felix: "Everyone stares, nya."

He said this with a hint of sadness. So small that I almost couldn't catch it. He smiles at me, almost succeeding in hiding it. Something burns in my stomach and explodes out of me.

Y/N: "I think.. you're really cool Felix."

Felix: "! N-nya?"

Y/N: "No, to be honest, I admire you. You're a knight I aspire to be. Not because you're so high ranking and close to lady Crusch, but because you're so... yourself. Even as a knight."

If I could feasibly zip my mouth shut literally, I would. I scream internally as my mouth moves on it's own volition. It feels like improv, but in reality it really is from my heart. I say it as if I rehearsed it a thousand times.

Felix is taken aback by this. His pale skin beginning to burn red. I can see out the corner of my eye his hand moving towards mine. Yet, he suddenly stands up.

Felix: "Y/N..."

Y/N: "I'm sorry, was that uncalled for?"

Felix: "Ny'o.. it's just... ny'obody has said something like that to me before."

Simultaneously, we both let out a small shiver.

Felix: "It's getting kinda cold, I think I ny'eed to go to bed ny'ow."

Damn. I was really hoping not to screw tonight up like the last few. No matter what I do I can't help but make it weird between us. Maybe, when it's just us alone together we don't mesh well. We both slide under our covers. I can see the back of his head facing me. His cat ears flick over and over, as if he were irritated. I've been able to pick up on little things like that.

I stare at the window. Normally at this hour, the light would shine on his face again. It was one of my favorite parts of the night.

I thought about what I had said. I really meant it, but I think I meant it in a way that's a little more deep than I intended. What am I saying? I can't have feelings for this guy? He's a boy. But, his comment about people staring. It hurt me to hear. It made me so upset to think about how it could affect him. Felix is a boy. Does he want that? He dresses like he doesn't. Yet, he typically brings those instances on himself when he reveals his true self. Or is it actually his true self? When I seen him, my brain shifts from seeing him as a girl to a boy. But, it always bounces back and forth. At some point during the mental tug-of-war it always comes back to girl, regardless of what's obviously in his pants. But, he calls himself a boy anyway. And everyone uses "He". Ugh. I hate this. It's giving me a headache.

I then take notice of something peculiar. I realize now why it's been so cold these past couple of nights. The window doesn't fully shut. That's also why the curtains blow easily from the window. Before I could even consider getting up to try and fix it, I see a figure standing before my bed. I jump slightly.

Felix: "Sorry, nya. I didn't mean to scare you."

His voice was soft, but assuring. He was almost talking in a whisper.

N/Y: "Felix? Is everything okay?"

Felix: "Yea. I just wanted to say that I think you're really cool too. And I like the time we've spent together, a lot, nya."

Y/N: "I'm so happy to hear that, Felix."

If it weren't so dark, he would've been able to see the massive stupid grin on my face.

Felix: "Also, it's very cold... and my sheets are too thin. Do you think I could come snuggle up with you, nya?"

Y/N: "Yes!"

I sound almost too eager. I didn't fully process the thought of this catboy cuddling up to me before he was already in my bed.

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