The Routine.

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It's a foggy morning in Ohio, birds are tweeting and chirping on tree's outside, the green grass is growing wonderfully, it was damp, and just the right temperature for an amazing morning. Kaleb heard the bustling sounds of children in his home, shaking him awake as he slowly woke up. Kaleb could see two figures, he couldn't identify any defining features, but he could see they were wearing Yellow and Orange shirts. Kaleb slowly got up off of the bed, the kids shouting at him about waffles, and pancakes, all being made by his wonderful wife. Kaleb wiped the hair out of his face, being dragged into the Kitchen by the tiny gremlins. His wife turned around, batter frying on a oiled pan as the scent of fresh pancakes filled his nose, making him feel blissful. It's been a long time since he's had this wonderful smell. He lightly smiled at the pancakes, they were cooked to perfection, with some blueberry toppings and syrup drizzled onto it.

His kids were jumping up and down in excitement, waiting for his confirmation to start digging into their favorite breakfast. "Daddy! Daddy! Can we plleeaaasseeee go eat now?? Mommy said we had to wait for you to wake up!" Kaleb smiled beamed now, at the sight of his child's joy. "Y-Yeah, sure, go ahead, I'll eat mine here." The kids yelled in happiness, grabbing their plates of pancakes and rushing over to the dining table to chow down. As the kids were doing that, Kaleb moved behind his wife while cooking, placing his hands on her hips and lightly swaying to the song that was playing over the bluetooth speaker, something gifted to him by his cousin. "Whatcha cookin', good lookin'?" His wife giggled at the remark, smiling as she cooked some eggs. "Just your favorite, today is finally a day we can sit back, y'know?" They had a small moment of silence together, as the speaker played the music they both enjoyed. "...I'm glad I met you." Kaleb said, as he placed a small kiss on his wife's cheek. The wife said nothing, just continued smiling as she cooked, sliding the eggs from the pan onto a separate plate for him to enjoy. Kaleb grabbed his plate as he shuffled over to the spot his children were at, sitting down and beginning to eat his meal.
"Oh! Oh! Daddy! Yesterday- we fought this HUGE DRAGON!" His son exclaimed, as he continued to ramble on about the fight.

He listened on, as he soon began to think about his life, and how nice it was. He looked around, the warm ambience of the house filling him with joy.

The end.

Kalebs Routine, (But wholesome.)Where stories live. Discover now