Chapter 11A

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"Okay, everyone. Grab a knife and start untying them."

Yuri was the first to reach Kai. Carefully, she pulled a dagger from her coat and began to cut the ropes around her friend.

"How have you been? What happened? Are you alright?"

"We tried to kill Markov. Bad idea." He threw his arms around Yuri as soon as he was free. "We've been saved by the bell."

Their reunion was cut short by a squeal of delight from Natsuki.

"Dad? Is that you? The real you, I mean?"

The two turned around to look at CB, who was being freed by Natsuki. "It's me, Nat," he said happily. "How did you know that was a clone?"

"I knew you couldn't have changed that fast overnight." She grinned as she pulled her father out of the chair.

On the other side of the room, Libitina was untangling Cassie.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Cassiopeia Wells." The other girl huffed at the mention of her real name. "Missed you and the Hernandez girls."

Cassie's face turned horrified. "Amihan is Markov's right-hand man now. She kidnapped Kai, and she roped Adriana into it, too."

"No. You're joking, right? You have to be."

Her expression stayed grim. Libitina sighed.

"I guess we just have to fight to get them back."

Othello's eyes lit up. "We're going to go to battle!"

Lia looked at him disapprovingly. "Absolutely not. It's too dangerous."

"You tried to resist these people, and they shook you down. It'd be a good way to get back at them."

Now it was Lia's turn to have her eyes light up. "Touché, Hardy. Shall I load the rocket launchers?"

Now Othello was practically glowing. "We have rocket launchers?"


Back at the hotel in China, Irina stared at the flickering light bulb on the ceiling.

Why did she lead the girls to him?

Why did she start working for Markov in the first place?

Sighing, she pulled the sheets over her head.

That's when she remembered why she'd done all that.

It was all for Aleksandra.

For all she knew, her sister was dead. Markov never showed mercy.

"I'm not dead."

Irina yelped as someone spoke. "What the—Sasha? Where are you?"

"Look at the mirror in the bathroom."

Slowly, she got up and followed the voice's instructions. To her surprise, she saw her little sister exactly where she said she would be.

"How can you do that?" she asked.

"I don't have enough time to explain the whole thing. All I can say is that you have to go after them and fight Markov. He has to die."

"It's in the South Pacific, Sasha, I can't get there in time!"

"I can teleport you. But it'll use a lot of my energy. It's a risk I'm willing to take."

"Are you sure?"

"There's no hope for me anymore. You can still save all of them. "

Irina shuddered. "Okay. I'll do it."

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