7- It wasn't a dream

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When Trevor awoke the next morning, he found himself under a strong embrace. With his eyes still closed, he began to feel with his hands the strong body clinging to him.

"Um ... Am I still dreaming? I never want this dream to end... It feels so good to be hugged by someone," Trevor thought, touching Max's torso here and there before tightening the embrace and burying his head into Max's torso, breathing heavily to smell his beautiful scent.

Max, who was already awake when Trevor started playing with his body, just watched the beautiful man in his embrace do what he wanted while watching his strange and funny behavior. He was curious to see how Trevor would react when he realized he wasn't in a dream.

Max had had one of the best nights he'd had in a long time. Trevor's scent was like a cooling thee that relaxed all his nerves. He had never felt so calm and peaceful like that before, all his stress from work and studies had been blown away. It was like he was having a good time, enjoying the fresh breeze from the trees in a beautiful forest.

Trevor finally decided to open his eyes and was immediately stunned to find himself actually in someone's arms. He quickly winced, even falling to the ground and looking at Max in disbelief. His mind was a mess, he couldn't remember why or how Max was on his bed.

"You ... What ... what are you doing in my bed?" Trevor asked stuttering. Because he could already guess why a dominant alpha would be in his bed while he was in heat. Trevor started to panic.

"What do you think?" asked Max with a grin, looking into Trevor's wide eyes with amusement.

"That ... that can't be right? I was dreaming! This can't be happening!" Trevor asked himself in horror, remembering all the things he had done the night before.

"All I can say is that you were really demanding last night," Max teased Trevor with a chuckle, looking at him as he clutched his hair, not wanting to believe what his head was making him remember.

"Omg... Omg Trevor what did you do?... ", Trevor asked himself loudly, before looking at Max and then seeing in his shirt all the marks Max had left all over his body. He looked back at Max and jumped back on his bed, which surprised Max a little.

"Max, I'm sorry about what happened last night, but if I remember correctly you had a good time too, so I don't owe you anything right? anyway, thanks for helping me out." Trevor said, looking Max straight in the eye.

Trevor's reaction wasn't really what Max had anticipated. He thought the guy was going to go berserk and started acting all sheepish in front of him. But what he saw in the Omega eyes was excitement and he liked that.

"You're welcome, but I didn't enjoy it to the end...!" replied Max with a sexy smile that made Trevor blush.

*cough* Trevor cleared his throat, trying to dismiss his embarrassment "I ... thank you for that too." Trevor said genuinely grateful to Max for not going to the extreme. Even though Trevor always thought he wouldn't have a chance to know what it feels to have sex with someone in his life, he still wanted to do it only if he was okay with it.

"No problem, baby... Um, um, I mean, no problem, roomie, I was just trying to be a good man and save the beauty in distress," Max chuckled at his words and thought, "When did I start trying to be a good man?

Trevor frowned a little whispering "I'm not a beauty in distress." He rolled his eyes and just nodded, not knowing what to say anymore. But soon he realise that something wasn't right and he stared one more time at Max with his eyes wide open. Max was confused and didn't know what was going on in Trevor's head again.

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