Chapter 2

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Chapter 2, Unexpected guests

I rub my eyes to make sure I'm not hallucinating

Matty: "T-This is a joke r-right..?"

Astrid: "Nope"

I approach Luna and gently touch her ears

Luna: "H-Hey s-stop that!"

Luna blushes as if she liked it and the others giggle by Luna's expression

Matty: "O-Oh sorry... So they are real... It's so fluffy and soft..."

Lara: "So Matty do you remember us now?"

Matty: "Uhh... No..."

The girls sigh as I try my hardest to remember anything but I really can't

Lara: "Remember that one gray fox you saved From that complicated trap?"

Matty: "O-Oh yes I do remember that..."

Lara: "Well, that was me. If u hadn't come, some hunters would've probably came and killed me"

Suddenly the memory ticks on my brain and I remember it. I suddenly recognized them

Matty: "So the three white wolves were Lana, Luna, And Lina... And the black wolf who tried to attack me was Astrid..?"

Astrid: "I was chasing off a hunter and when came back I didn't know if you were hostile or not I'm just protecting lara okay sorry about that"

Matty: "I-Its okay..."

Lana: "He doesn't even look anything of a hostile person"

Astrid: "Looks don't matter just being cautious is enough"

Luna: "I Agree"

Lara: "Now that he remembers us and now I'm with my little knight"

Without any warnings, Lara hugs me so tight

Matty: "C-Cant... Breath..."

Lara: "Wow... You feel so soft and warm I wanna keep hugging you"

Astrid: "H-Hey Lara you're killing him"

Lara: "O-Oh! Sorry"

Luna: "Oh boy seems like Lara has lost her dignity"

Lara: "Dignity?! we aren't in the mansion, who cares about it"

Lina: "Y-Yeah... B-Besides Matty seems to enjoy it too..."

Matty: "I-I guess..?"

Lara hugs me again and she rubs her cheek against my hair

Lara: "Matty can you scratch me please?"

Matty: "Wh-Wha?"

Lana: "My my I haven't seen Lara being like this fufufu"

Lara: "Heyy~ I'm waiting"

Matty: "I don't wanna... F-Fine..."

I place one of my hand on Lara's ear and gently scratch it. Lara blushes as she twitch a bit and a soft moan escapes her lips

Lara: "Oh my... this feels way more better than how the others do it to me. Scratch it a bit more..."

Luna: "T-This is embarrassing..."

Lina: "But didn't Matty slightly touch your ears too? You looked like you love it"

Luna: "Shush it was an unexpected action he did"

Astrid: "Lara looks like she is enjoying it... Though I wish she could have... A bit of restraint"

Lara: "Hey I can hear you Astrid if you're jealous get your own knight"

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