Gaara Of The Sand

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Your walking through the sand village because you just moved there because your village got attacked so you had to move to the sand village.As your walking you bump into someone."I am so sorry!".You look up and you see a guy with red hair and a sand scar on the right side of his forehead."Oh it's ok."He looks at you and smiles just a little bit."A-are you sure?"You say to him."Yeah it's ok.What's your name?"He ask's you."I'm y/n" "Nice to meet you y/n I'm Gaara,The kazeage of the sand village".You smile and him and he blushes just a little bit."Would you like to hang out with me Sasuke,Lee and. Naruto?."He asks you"Yes"You reply to him."Ok,Where do you want to go?"He asks you."I would like to get some ramen,I heard Naruto really loves ramen then we could get some curry if you guys would like to."You say to Gaara."Oh it won't be a problem at all"He tells you."Wanna meet at around 12:30?"He asks you and he looks at you."Yeah"You tell him."Ill see you later I'll tell Naruto,Sasuke and Lee that your coming with us"."Ok"You tell him as he walks away.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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