Chapter 2- Death Of One In 15

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With the pressure that this bear Monokuma has put upon us we decided to explore the first floor... When we walked out of the dining room to our left was a long hallway with all of the bedrooms in it and to the right was a hallway with doorways (with no doors) leading to other areas that regular hotels would have. There was a pool in the hallway, a restaurant, where we decided to meet up in the morning for breakfast. A small gym was beside the pool, and finally there was a lounge area with 2 couches and a fireplace. What really caught my curiosity was that a barred of staircase was directly in front of the dining room... We can't go up there because it is of corse barred off but I bet it will open in good time. After we all explored the first floor we all separated to go do our own thing.

I decided to hang out with Sarah since she seemed to be a fun person to be around. "Hey Sarah, do you wanna go for a swim?" She looked at me for a second as if she were unsure of herself. "Uh... Okay. One sec in gonna change into my swim suit." She strutted down to her room. I better change too if I wanna swim.

When I got to the pool with Sarah, I found Malarie and Jake were there too! I guess we can have a huge party or something. We found a huge box full of surfboards and floatable mats... So we just chilled out in the pool and had a good time.

"Hey guys!" Kaelyn walked through the door in her bathing suit, "You really thought you could leave me out of the fun?" She jumped into the pool splashing all of us in and out of the water.

Everyone started laughing, how could they be that happy in a situation like this?

We ended up just chilling in the pool and talking about our family. "I really miss my brother Joshua." Jake said. "He's a real champ.

"I miss my dad." Kaelyn said. "He's a astronomer... I really wish I had something to remember him by."

Everyone nodded, that's what we all thought.

After an hour or so we all left the pool to go eat dinner. Everyone was there besides a few people. Tera and Mark were still of somewhere doing something. They never did show up to dinner.

Well it really didn't matter because we all went to sleep afterwards, I slept fine. Which was weird, but u was having a good time with all the people here.

The next morning I went to breakfast... Tera, Damien, and Daniel were the only ones there when I got to the Restaurant. "Hey Cody?" Tera yelled. I went over to her and said, "What?" "Have you seen a necklace with a star on it, I kind of lost it." Tera said with her sulky eyes. I could tell it was important to her.

"No I haven't." I said in the calmest way I could. I kinda felt bad for her.

After breakfast a anouncement came on... "Hello everybody... Hurry up and kill someone, this is boring as crap!" Ugh it's Monokuma again. "I guess you guys need a motive. I've got just the thing! There is a little surprise in the lounge. You may not look to see what it is until someone is killed!" Monokuma's announcement turned of to silence as the whole house went deafening. We all hurried to the lounge to see this "present" he spoke of.

beside the fireplace in the lounge a tarp lays over a pile of boxes about the height of my waist down. We're not allowed to take of the tarp because of the announcement... I hope nobody's curiosity drives them to kill and see what the content is under it.

The next morning someone knocked on my door. I opened it to see Tera there.

"Hey Cody! I found the necklace!" Tera was practically screaming at the top of her lungs as she jumped into my arms.

I covered my face because I was definitely blushing... I can't help it! What would you do if a girl practically jumped into YOUR arms.

I said "I knew you would find it," and ushered her out.

About twenty minutes later I went to breakfast where everybody was already eating besides Cia, Tera, and Jake. Who must all be sleeping.

We were all happy chatting about the actually good times we have had this past 3 days.

"Hey, does anyone else smell that?" Zeke said as he pinched his nose.

"It smells like smoke." Damien suggested.

A few of us got up and tried to follow the smell. It came from the living room, it must just be the fireplace... But then we saw the whole area around the fireplace and presents engulfed in fire!

"FIRE!" Taylor yelled. We all got a blanket from the couches and tried to take the fire out.

Eventually Sarah came with a bucket of water from the kitchen and took it all out, the tarp was burnt to ashes, revealing a pile of presents... and a dead body that was covered by the tarp... Someone who didn't go to breakfast.

Tera lay there burnt to death...

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