Mi Riena

370 18 16

Actually I forgot to write that this is intro of my new story Indian beauty

He smiled while picking the thing that belong to HER no idea about what thing that is But still too precious to him now

That make him blush smile while thinking about her remembering her

HER BROWN EYES that can make anyone hypnotized just the way they make him forget that their is world around her or anything exist other than her

Her long eyelashes her lips that are like nonexistent .her hands

Her Sunkissed skin her beautiful smile her laugh her accent her attitude everything about her just make him insane

He don't know anything about her other than her apperance and a name that every local know_ _ _ _
Such a sweet name for her that is what he thinks

He never believed at love at first sight nor it is but that bells made him believe that he gonna meet her soon

He talked to her without showing his face suprisingly she talked to him she didn't asked him his name

Only he know how much he want her to call his name

How he supress the urge to hold her hand and to make eye contact but the fact she never make long eye contact with anyone make it hard for him

The glimpses of her face he noticed the moles on her upper lip and two on bottom one two on left cheek and two on right cheek one of them is his favorite that is like cherry on top

For world he may be a idol but here he is helpless in front of her for just calling him by name when he can literally make millions of girls to scream for him

Thats why People say

Love is a disease if you catch it then there is no cure for it just like cancer

Hi beauties. I am continuing this story 💜 Don't be a silent reader and keep guessing the main lead

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