Chapter 1

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Sero was walking out from the airport and he was on the phone talking to Denki.

"yeah I just landed in Mexico city, it looks really nice so far " 

Denki laughed a little " you sound very excited, it's your first time oversea for a mission” Sero smiled a bit “ yeah I can't wait to meet the local heroes here… oh hold on I think i see someone with a sign with my name on it I’ll talk to you later “ Denki said ok and hangs up. Sero makes his way over to a 5’2 female she had short brown hair tips dye blue  half of it was tied from the top  

Y/N looked at Sero and she smacked her lips “ are you the one called cellophane the pro rescue hero?” 

Sero nods giving Y/N a big toothy grin “ Yeah that's me, I can’t believe they sent someone as captivating as you to pick me up “ he chuckles a bit looking down to Y/N 

Y/N sighs and looks up to this Idiot in front of her “ My name is Y/N, pro hero Rhythm” Sero took a moment to think he new he found that name familiar somehow he shrugged it off maybe he will remember later 


“Now let's get going your cutting into my time,  our company lead wants to talk to you to go over your mission here in Mexico city “ Y/n turn around and began to walk in a past pace “ we are heading their on foot so try to keep up “ she spoke his name in a taunting manner Y/N start to swing her hips tapping her feet to the ground a burst of energy emanates from her feet sending her up to the roof of a building.

Sero jaws drops open seeing Y/N’s quirk he remember an article that was made a few years back about the top female pro around the world, Rhythm was in fifth place known as the mistress of dance know to take out any villain with the sway of her hips, Sero snapped back as he released his tape from his elbows swinging up to the same rooftop 

Y/N smirked and did a twirled to face away from him “Veamos que tan bien eres chico lindo” she took out her headphones from her pocket slipping them into her ear “ Vamos a bailar” turing back to face sero taking a bow she soon jump down to a lower building room top Sero was unsure as to what she just said but he could tell it was of a challenge to keep up with her.

So their first dance started Sero was right at Y/N’s he could tell she was getting slightly annoyed for she was trying to lose him in anyway she could but before they both knew it they they have made it to the agency “ wow you sure are a fast one Y/N “ he said trying to catch his breath 

Y/N pants and cleaned the sweat from her brow she huffed in anger and walked away from him, Sero thought to himself ‘ their a word for her from japan I can use ‘ 

“ oh finally, mister Hanta you have made it to our agency hopefully miss Y/N did not give to much trouble on your way here “ a short husky man walks up to sero taking his hand to shake it Sero shook his hand “ not at all if not she made me wake up before the jetlag hits me “ the short man nods and laughs a little “ my name is Julio Montera and I am the lead of this place, please follow me into my office “ Sero follows behind him as he takes one look back at Y/N

Y/N felt his stare but she didn't turn to look at him for she knew her face would flush her favorite japanese hero was in her presence and she acted like a brat, she went over to the female locker to to wash up her older sister popped her head in “ soooo Little sister how did it go meeting your hero” Y/N growled under her breath annoyed by her sister question “ it was fine nothing fucking special “ her sister walked closer to her leaning down to look at her face “ oooh I knew it you got smitten by him oh my dear cariño” Y/N untied her hair to cover her eyes “ no I was not now shut up and go do your job you old bruja “ her sister giggled an began to sing in the locker room “ my little sister is smitten and soon she my hear wedding bells “ Y/N flicked her hand sending a burst of energy at her sister, the sister left the locker room before she was hit.Y/N let out a scream of annoyed by the situation, she quickly put on her hero costume a skin tight one peace body suit  that had purple waves designs around her inner thighs, under arm and up her back, she placed on her glass mask and leaves the locker room.

“ so mister Hanta I know we called you here with another form of information but if I am honest with you that is not the case “ Montera sits at his desk bring his hands together near under his eyes his look goes serious “ in our city of mexico there have been rumours of a gang such as the L.O.V from japan “ 

Sero waved his hand to stop him from talking “ if something this serious is begin spread around why no bring over pro hero Deku or Dynamite  I’m sure they would do a better job at this than myself “ 

Montera sighs and continued “ you have a fair point but if the rumors are true bring them here my cause a bigger problem these villains my think were on to them but I really wanna keep this hush for as long as I can “ 

Sero nods understanding what Montera spoke “ I will do my best to help in this investigation “ 

“ good cause you're gonna be partnered up with miss Y/N for this she will show you around our lovely city so you know it a bit, she may not look it but she has a bi…..” 

Y/N bursted into the room “ that is enough come on cellophane come with me on my patrol “ she glares daggers at Montera he smiles innocently acting as if wasn't about say something big

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