Clingy 💖

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GOGGYs pov
I was about to go to sleep when all of a sudden I remembered clay was streaming and then an idea popped in my head what if I cuddle him while he was streaming .

No ones pov :

George got up and wrapped the blanket around himself and ran to dreams streaming room .
He opens the door a little bit and then he opens it all the way and walked in .

Dreams POV :

I head the door open and thought it was patches but when I turned aroun I was immediately met with George raped in a fluffy blanket I turn back around in my chair and ask sapnap to entertain my stream for a bit he said yeah of course.
"Hey baby you ok "
"No " George said pouting a bit
" what why tell me what's wro-"
Before I could finish my sentence George sat on my lap and cuddle right up to me

No ones pov :

Dream immediately hugged George back
"Shit sorry sap George came into my room and just said he wasn't feeling well " clay said before sending a Snapchat so spanap of George on his lap
After the stream they just talked for a while
"Broooo u are such a simp for George "
"Oh fuck off " and with that dream ended the call
Dream carried George to there bed and laid down with George on top of him
" goodnight sweetheart I love you "

" I love u too dreamy " George said in a tired voice

252 words

It's the firs chapter sorry it's short love u guys x <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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