Ziggy Berman

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Imagine that you have a huge crush on Ziggy Berman and always caring about her

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Imagine that you have a huge crush on Ziggy Berman and always caring about her. One day she had enough and decided to ask you why you even cared.

"Y/n, why do you care?" Ziggy asks you. "I care, because I like you Ziggy." You replied. "You like me?" She asked you. "Yeah, even before we became best friends, before Sheila had called you a witch, before all of that." You tell her.

"Wow... I guess I'm not the only one then." Ziggy says. "I like you too, Y/n." She says. "Wow. Ziggy Berman, would you be my girlfriend?" You ask her. "Yes!" Ziggy replies and kisses you.

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