Car ride

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How tf do you start a book 😦

The usual group was about to go to S, but decided to meet up at Joe's resturant first. "Hey, guys?'' Cherry started. "I got six free passes to a hotel.''

"So you're gonna rub it in our face that you get to go to a fancy hotel, and we don't?" Reki said. "There's six of us, and six tickets Reki. I'm asking you guys wanna come with."

"OH YEAH!" Reki beamed. Everyone agreed and Cherry told the times to wake up and go and then they headed to S.

Everyone got a call from either Cherry or Joe the next morning, telling the other 4 to wake up. At 5:30 in the morning-

Reki and Langa sat in the back seat, Miya sprawled out in the middle seats, already asleep since he hadn't gone to bed at all. Cherry and Joe sat in the front seats and Shadow drove his own car.

Reki and Langa were sharing the earbuds while watching skate boarding videos. Langa had started to drift asleep, resting his head on Reki's head. The red head's cheeks went a little red, but he didn't mind. Not to long after that Reki also fell asleep, leaning his head on the other boy's shoulder.

"Hey wake up." Cherry called behind him. Miya had woken up a while ago and was playing games of his switch while Reki and Langa had slept through the whole ride.

Langa woke up but Reki didn't since he got like 2 hours of sleep. Langa blushed when he realized Reki was asleep on his shoulder. "Reki wake up, we're here." Langa poked his arm awkwardly. "Oh good morning Langa." Reki said sleepily. "It's the afternoon Reki." Miya said. "Oh."

They entered the hotel, Langa taking a leaflet to see what they could do. "So there's three rooms we can get with the passes. There's two with two beds, and one with three beds." Cherry explained.

Shadow took the one of the rooms with two beds, just putting his stuff on the extra bed. Miya, Cherry and Joe got the room with three, all though there may be an extra. And Reki and Langa took the other room with two beds.

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