Chapter 1:A Friendly Face

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I was just walking down the streets of vale until I had accidentally bumped into a girl with a black bow making her drop her book but thanks to my reflexes I quickly grabbed it with my sheath that held my weapon I called the yamato I caught it then I threw it up and used my hand to catch it I look at the girl

Y/N:I am terribly sorry about that miss I was lost in thought

???:its alright it was a accident theres no need to apologize

Y/N:nonsense anyways heres your book back*gives book back*

???:oh thanks and what's your name?

Y/N:my names Y/N but I prefer to be called Vergil and sometimes V and you are?

Blake:Blake Belladonna but I should get going I'll see you later

Y/N:I'll cya later

The girl walks off and I'm pretty sure I saw that bow of hers twitch maybe shes a faunes if so she could be doing it to hide her faunes traits which makes sense because faunes are highly discriminated because of the white fang I personally blame Jaques and that spawn of his Whitely the schnee family is the cause of the white fang but I dont blame the women but enough said I walk off only to be met with a blade almost hitting me in the face but I luckily jumped out of the way I looked at who tried to hit me and I see a a shadow like creature with a opera mask holding a giant pair of scissors

The girl walks off and I'm pretty sure I saw that bow of hers twitch maybe shes a faunes if so she could be doing it to hide her faunes traits which makes sense because faunes are highly discriminated because of the white fang I personally blame J...

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I quickly new it was a demon so I unsheathed my yamato then quickly sheathed back in for a Judgement cut but to my surprise it blocked it with its scissors and I new I had to break those scissors so I charged it and started swinging my yamato then one of the blade broke off the handle leaving one left I ran behind it then went to hit it only for it to instantly turn around and hit me knocking me to the ground it went to finish me I closed my eyes only to hear a gunshot I opened my eyes to see the shadow turn to ash I looked to where that gun shot came from to see my twin brother

I quickly new it was a demon so I unsheathed my yamato then quickly sheathed back in for a Judgement cut but to my surprise it blocked it with its scissors and I new I had to break those scissors so I charged it and started swinging my yamato then...

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Y/n:dante...its good to see you

Dante:good to see you too also why did I see your ass being kicked?

Y/n:you saw NOTHING is what you saw

Dante:hehehe whatever you say also *smirks*who was that girl you were talking to?

Y/n:where you watching me!?

Dante:maybe cmon bro tell me

Y/n:I accidentally bumbed into her then we had a friendly chat then we parted ways ok?

Dante:whatever you say bro but we should get back to the shop we probably might have a call to get to so do your teleport thing


I quickly slash open a portal and we step in going back to dante's shop business thing

To be continued...

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