Hello, My Lovelies.

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Well howdy-doo. I have been tagged by the lovely @britween1232 to do this. Why? I'm not so sure. What'cha wanna know 'bout little ol' me? ;)

(btw favorite writer? pfffft pff...pshh. ch......staahp. You're not so bad yourself ^_^)


Have You Ever...

...skipped class? Yes. Way too much. I regret it every day because it got to a point where I had to repeat freshman year. Now I'm in night school working to get my diploma while the rest of my friends are going around enjoying life as high school graduates, some already college students. :(

...done drugs? .........................................As an experiment. Weed, once. I know it's not really considered drugs, but, legally, it's a drug. And not only did I not like it, but I reacted badly to it and ended up having the most horrible anxiety attack of my life. So...yeah. Don't do drugs. Please. Do jumping jacks. Jumping jacks are good.

...self-harmed? Unfortunately, yes. Up until last year, I was...well, I wasn't cutting myself (btw if anyone's doing that, message me immediately. please. confidentiality is promised). I would scratch myself hard enough to cause me some serious pain and scars.

...drank alcohol? Yes. I got drunk once. Not fun. I remember everything from that one night. Never again. But I do like a wine cooler or a glass of wine every now and then. ^_^

...shoplifted? ehehe nope. I'm brave, but not that brave. B)

...gotten a tattoo? no. But I'm hoping to get one soon; aiming for a dragon around my ankle :P

...broken up with somebody? Yep. Made me sad, but I do not regret it.



Show: Let's see...Sherlock, Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Bates Motel, Agents of Shield, Robin Hood, Spongebob Squarepants, Charmed, a million other shows...

Movie: Too many. I'll name my top five, but don't make me got further than that. The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies, The Resident, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, THE JUNGLE BOOK, Lilo and Stitch (because Stitch has been, and forever will be, my baby <3)

Song: right now, Honey, I'm Good by Andy Grammer (but I get hype when it comes to Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars, just saying).

Artist: none. I like all the works I've seen equally. :)

Memory: getting an A+ on my very first story (it was a creative writing assignment) in fourth grade. It sparked my burning love for writing.

Book: The Immortals series by Alyson Noel.


This or That?

Invisibility or Flying? Invisibility. Free movies, dudes. *harlem shakes into the next question*

Cookies or Cake? Cookies! Cake goes bad. Cookies don't. Plus, don't you just love the thrill of dipping a cookie into milk without knowing whether it'll break off or not? Maybe it'll be okay, maybe it will break and crumble. You never know.

Twitter or Facebook? Tumblr.

Movie or Book? Depends on my mood. My level of laziness has to be very low for it to be "book", but sometimes I do choose it.

Coke or Sprite? *steps out all in green with green and yellow face paint* SPRITE.

Blind or Deaf? Deaf. I read my tagger's decision on this, and I agree: ASL is beautiful.

Tea or Coffee? Coffee forever. I can't stand tea. I mean, I'm sure it's tasty to other people, but I never liked it. Sorry to the tea-lovers out there :T



...age? Eighteen long-ass years.

...sign? Capricorn. Where my Capricorns at?

...height? 5'7" as of three days ago. :D

...sexual orientation? straight so far. ^_^

...shoe size? Normally 11. 10 on a good day, 12 on a day that hates the living crap out of me.

...religion? I've been born, baptized, and raised as a Catholic, but I prefer to think of myself as agnostic.


Your opinion on...

...gay rights? All for it, man. I don't believe in that whole "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" shit. I mean, come on people. Whatever happened to "love comes in all different shapes and sizes"? Marry who you love. Love who you want, or don't love them. Lust them. Whatever. Do you. I don't like how people let it bother them. Pretty sure it doesn't affect their lives in any way, critical or not. *muah* *kisses and hugs and warm cookies for all*

...abortion? ......I'm going to be honest with you, I'm against it. I really am. I love babies, and I always think there's another way out, easy or not, and hope a woman considering it would find that other way. But I'm not the type to scold you and shame you for doing it, like "WTF WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT". I know people have their reasons. I understand. Giving birth is just as hard as raising a kid, especially under bad/unsafe circumstances.

...Tumblr? You mean my life-support?

...Marijuana? I think it should stay illegal for many reasons, none of which I'll state right now. I don't like it, and I don't recommend anyone do it. There are better ways to spend your time. But if you already do it and are well into the habit, then do it. Whatever. Just don't do stupid shit while you do it. Hide your keys, hide your prescription drugs, hide potentially harmful things, hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo husband, etc.

...second chance? lol you better earn that shit. Prove to me that you've changed, and we'll talk.

...long distance relationships? For those who have read "Just Laugh About It", what do you think my opinion on that is? If you think your love is strong enough, go for it. But I, personally, don't think I'd be able to handle it. I've never had a real, legit relationship, but I can tell already that I won't be able to stay away from my future bae for long periods of time. I wouldn't be clingy, I swear, but I wouldn't want him to be that far out of reach.


That's it. That's everything. If you read all of this, bless you. You do care :3 Sorry if some of the responses are a little too long. I seem to have Hiddles-syndrome when it comes to answering question. :P 'Kay, gotta get back to work on "The Wrong Path" (shameless advertising, *harlem shakes*).

Later, my lovelies ^_^

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