Day 2: Nesting

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3rd Person POV

Nico woke up with Percy beside him. It was the best way to wake up, in his opinion. He watched his alpha breathing deeply in his sleep for awhile until Percy woke up and stretched. His toned muscles rippled underneath his tan skin, which was a stark contrast compared to Nico's pale complexion when the two of them were side by side.


Percy said as he yawned sleepily.


Nico said and cuddled closer to his warm chest. Omegas were naturally warm but Nico was sort of an exception. He was always cold, and Percy was always hot so it only seemed right to get closer.
It was Saturday so camp activities would be put on hold, which meant the boys had an entire weekend for themselves. Luckily, Nico's cramps didn't start up again so he and Percy decided on taking a quick shower together before breakfast.

"I really don't want to go to the dining pavilion."

He whined as he dried his hair. Percy was brushing his teeth in the sink next to his.

"You still gotta eat, Nico."

He gently reminded him. Nico groaned.

"Look, I'll pick something up for you at breakfast, okay?"

Percy suggested.


He eventually agreed. Percy left the bathroom to go get dressed and Nico did the same.

"Don't go yet, please?"

He asked as Percy was just about to open the door. His alpha gave him a crooked smile and walked back over to him in a few strides. He lifted Nico up by his waist and spun him around once before landing him on his feet and kissed him softly.

"I love you."

He said and planted another kiss to Nico's cheek. Percy's hands left him and he placed one of them on the door handle.

"I love you too, but can I have your sweatshirt?"

Nico asked. Usually he would have just stolen Percy's sweatshirts anyway but right now he was stalling for more time before he left. Percy obliged and took out one of his sweaters from his overnight bag. He handed it to Nico while looking at him with vague amusement in his eyes and then turned towards the door again.


Nico said, clutching the gray sweatshirt. He thought of everything that could convince Percy to stay, even if it was just for a minute longer.
The alpha turned around with a raised eyebrow.

"What, Neeks?"

"Uhm...One last goodbye kiss?"

He asked hopefully. Percy rolled his eyes and gave him a long sweet kiss on the lips, then once they broke apart, he made sure to press little kisses to Nico's cheeks and nose before he eventually pulled away.

"You're so clingy, you know that?"

Nico huffed and grabbed the front of Percy's shirt and stood on his tiptoes to kiss him again.

"You better get back soon."

Nico said and Percy couldn't help but laugh. Here his omega was, standing at a staggering height of 5'2, short as can be, with the most hilariously pouty expression and asking him to "get back soon." There was nothing Percy could do but chuckle at least a little bit.

"I'm only going to be ten minutes at most."

He chided him.

"Ten minutes feels like forever. And then you're going to get sidetracked with talking to Jason or some shit and I'm going to be waiting for you for much longer than just "ten minutes"."

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