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John B was throwing a party at his chateau and you have Sarah have been drinking way to much.

You run to a empty patch of grass outside and throw up. With John B holding your hair back. You hear John B yelling for JJ and he runs over to see you.

He picks you up bridle style, and goes to the bedroom. He sets you down on the bed. While he goes to close the door.

"baby? you okay?" he said. you nod yes trying to hide your pain. he walks over and lays down next to you. Next thing you know your running to the bathroom throwing up.

He runs with you and holds your hair back for you. "let it all out princess" he says while rubbing your back. he gives you a paper towel to wipe your mouth off and you lay back on him. JJ rubs your stomach, and texts John B to get y/n a glass of water.

"shit y/n. you look like shit. anything i can do for you guys?" John B says. John B gives you a glass of water and you chug it down before throwing up again.

JJ holds your hair back for you, rubbing your back. "your okay. just let it all out and you should feel better" JJ says.

you begin to feel better and decide to go into the bedroom. you sit on the bed, with your sleepy eyes. he grabs one of his hoodies and puts it on you. JJ tries to leave but you run to him and grab his hand.

"I'm going to get you a bucket baby. I'll be right back." He said. You pout and go back to lay on the bed. He comes back in putting a bucket next to you on the floor.

He takes his shirt off and lays in the bed finding the remote. "Movie?" He says. You nod. He finds a movie, and you lay on him falling asleep. He kisses your head and wraps his arms around you resting his head on yours.

A/N: I apologize for this being so short!

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