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When I awake🥱 it's already evening🕕.kim, I think he left with his gang. I need to catch this chance.

I want to give my sister a good life and don't want to waste at all.

"Sky,are you awake? dinner🍽️🍛 is ready came fast?"I heard my sister voice. And I left my room.

When I went🪜 down stairs I saw a familiar figure. I don't remember his name but I remember that he is Kim's brother with a new guy.

"Porsche..."then the new guy ran towards me and hug me tightly.🫂

"Where have you been?I knew that you're alive.hhh..hhh"he is crying😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
But why and who is this porsche.

Then kim enter in room with a guy name porchè.and now this is the time for my great acting skills😎.

I ran towards kim without caring the man in front of me.
"Baby,why are you so late?"😚☺️he tried to resist😒🙄 but I didn't let him go.

I remove him from Porchè and grab his arm tighty. I can't imagine why I am bottom.😫

Suddenly his brother kinn stands up and grab my hand 😡in anger then drag me to my room.😳

"Porsche, please stop doing this to me please..."he is requesting me or try to scare me.🤨and who the hell is Porsche.

"What do you mean?what you want me to stop?" I asked😕😕
"I am your boyfriend not kim you are confused between me and him"really he think I believe him. He only wants to saprate me from my bank.🤨

"What the hell are you talking about 😤?"I asked him.

"If you don't believe me than ask kim or your sister 🥺"I know he is lying but I don't no why I feel connected to him?

He started coming closer and closer. I push him and went down stairs and asked everyone if what he say is true.

Everyone nodded but sister who I believe the most still silent.🤔
"Everyone,get out now from my house"I said in anger.🤬

And they all went out but I stopped kinn.And asked sis that what he says is true. Is I am porsche not sky?🥺

" I mean porsche listen to me,first." Oh that's mean what he says is I am feeling helpless.😔

I even know who am I how could I believe anyone I need to remember everything right away. I don't want to get used. I ran towards my room and after reaching it I closed the door behind.😦

Now, both my sis or that girl and kinn trying to open the door,they are beating the door so hard but I was in my thoughts.😣

I can't believe anyone.and great electricity is gone.i can't believe them but I also have fear.😨 I ran to open the door but it's jam and their is no sound outside.

Now I started tremble.😨😰I ran towards my bed and lay down covering my face with blanket.

Then I heard a sound like someone is trying to climb in my room.
"Oh no is the 👻 ghost also need pipe or 🪜ladder to came in my room." I said to my self.
I was so scared that my head started acing.

I even don't want to remove blanket from my face.
" Porsche don't be scared it's me." I heard a familiar voice.

"I know it's your trick ghost 👻 if I remove blanket you will take me with you and eat me with your friends."😨😰I sain in trembling

But when he snatch my blanket I saw it was kinn. Now I forgot everything and hug🫂 him so tight even he can't take breath.😫

"Can't you came sooner" I was about to cry.🥺and till the electricity came back I didn't left him.

And I don't remember when I fell sleep.😪😴

Hii everyone, I hope you guys like the story. From today I will update
the story every please don't mind the Length ☺️☺️

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