Thursday, 19th of August 2021

55 12 15



It's lovely to meet you.

I might as well introduce myself properly.

I go by the name of Fork. I am a teenager. I live most of the time in Peru (my parents are missionaries), but at the moment I am in England. I love reading, music, and I'm just about the biggest Naomi Scott fan there is (don't get me started). And here I will be talking about stuff, in the broadest sense of the word. Whatever's on my mind. I'll probably look back at this in 20 years and cringe.


My life is kinda boring. Sure, I live in a different country (usually), but we live in the city so life is pretty tame. COVID restrictions mean we can't go out without masks and have to be in the house by 11pm. It's ok. I never was much of an outside person. I read most of the time I'm not homeschooling. Speaking of which, I just got my Spanish GCSE results back. I got a 9!

Today an old friend of my mum's is visiting. Now they're curled up on the sofa chatting like the teenagers they once were, mugs of tea steaming on the coffee table (why are coffee tables called coffee tables when they're never used for coffee?). I'm settled comfortably into an armchair writing this. 

I'm currently working on a little story which I'm hoping to publish in the near future. However, as some of you may know, I am a hopeless procrastinator. If any of you know a way to stop that, LET ME KNOW. I've already got 4 chapters done but don't know where it'll go from there... I'm also considering a Terra Nova fanfic. Let me know in the comments what you think on the latter.

Anyway, sorry for a very boring entry. Ugh. I hate myself already. Better publish before I chicken out completely.

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