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During the Lighthouse War a Massive Submarine Name The Alicorn was a Submarine that carrys the ability of a Aircraft Carrier was the world's largest ship ever created this ship was the most dangerous ship ever created and it has powerful Weaponry and it carrys 2 Rail Guns and One 600mm/128 caliber Rail Cannon and many different systems it was way different than any other submarine that was created and then on September 14 2019 was the Day were she was destroyed

Somewhere else in the Middle of The Ocean During Night fall

Alicorn: *GASPS* What happened to me wait I'm human this is can't be real

Submersible Aviation Cruiser Alicorn

Nationality: Kingdom Of Erusea

Affiliation: Erusean Royal Navy

Alicorn: I was destroyed by Three Strikes But how am I still alive

Alicorn doesn't know what to do with her Captain since she's a Human now

Alicorn: It's nightfall out here *Gets up on her Feet* Well I don't know what to do My Captain and The Rest of my crew are gone but the thing is what should I do now

Alicorn was trying to figure out how to operate it and then she started head into her ships Command Bridge

Alicorn: How do I move anyway *Thinks for Bit* It's not like I can say Move Forward

And after saying that the Ship begin to move

Alicorn: It move thats a surprise let's see if I can dive too

Alicorn command her ship to dive down underwater and started diving until she was under Water

Alicorn: Good moving on Surface and Being Submerge is good, Weapons and Aircraft

Alicorn check Her weapons systems on a Monitor and they both say Weapons Online and Aircraft we're standing by for launch

Alicorn:. Perfect weapons are Working alright including The 600mm/128 Caliber is fine And Aircraft are Ok too, Ok what's next

Alicorn Closes her Eyes with her index finger under her chin And then her ship began to glow under water and then

Alicorn: *Thoughts* What just happened and what is this on my back wait I can breath underwater *And Started Moving forward* I can Swing too *And Then Surface* And I can stand on water

She was looking at her rigs from behind and the Three started moving and one of them was looking at her and they have Blue light eyes

Alicorn: Oh I didn't you are a live one and then

The One behind her was different and it showed her 600mm Rail Cannon and the Other two Show her Two 200mm Railguns

Alicorn: *Thoughts* So I can control my Weapons but how do get my ship too normal *Flashbacks* So that's what I did let me see if I can do it again

After remembering what she did that time when her rigs form behind her the cubes from her rigs turn her Ship back to Normal

Alicorn: Ok I think that's everything but I need some rest, And I'll be on my own out Here Captain

She went to go inside her ship to go get some sleep and some rest But she has to dive down 600 Meters deep thanks for a ship is all because she has the ability to generate oxygen while underwater

Alicorn: I wonder, What will I find out here people that I can trust but I know I can defend myself but I'm going have to wait till tomorrow

Alicorn Close her eyes went to sleep and outside of her Ship underwater she was the bottom of the Sea Floor hoping to stay hidden and stay safe

Alicorn In Another World (Azur Lane: The Animation) [Rewrite] Where stories live. Discover now