The Wicked Plan 🖤

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"I'm in the middle of a party. Yes yes, you can call me back tomorrow." Abhi cut his call and returned back to the bar counter. Since it was dark, he could see Twinkle's black dress glimmering under the neon lights, accentuating her features. She had changed quite a lot over the years but to Abhi's eyes, nothing came close to the beauty and childlike innocence of Siya.

"Sorry for leaving in between." Abhi politely apologized, sitting back on his seat. Twinkle had no objections since it gave her enough time to mix the drug into his beer.

"No no it's fine Abhi. Anyways, how's life with Siya? You must be pampering her with all your love huh?" Twinkle asked quite curiously with a smile on her face. She had always liked Abhi back in their school days but it came as a shock to her on their reunion when she came to know of his marriage with Siya. It made her feel so irritated. How could she be at peace knowing that the most handsome hunk in her batch was already married to a girl she despised?

"Yeah, life's been good so far. I didn't intend on making this a vacation but now that Siya's with me, I thought why not take her out for sightseeing? So we'll probably go visit more places around Paris tomorrow. " He had a hopeful smile over his lips as he said that. Twinkle on the other hand was enjoying the conversation way too good.

Going where? You're not going anywhere from my shackles... Twinkle laughed inwardly, seeing how his eyelids were already drooping down in an exhausted manner. She could already imagine the disappointment in Siya's eyes when she catches Abhi red handed with her. She can then make up lies about how Abhi was the one who convinced her to have sex with her in the first place.

"Abhi? You don't look quite well. Are you okay?"

"No I'm fine." Abhi managed to say it with straight lips but soon he found himself unable to focus at anything with his dimming sight accompanied by a splitting headache.

"Ugh, my head hurts." Abhi was speaking more to himself than to Twinkle, keeping a hand over his head.

"Did you drink too much?"

"No not at all. I just got here a while ago." Abhi closed his eyes to keep himself composed. But seeing his vulnerable state, Twinkle smirked and took it as an opportunity to get beside him.

"Here, let me help you up and take you to a nearby room in the hotel. You'll be fine after taking a light rest." Abhi had no choice but to agree to Twinkle's words so he got up. Even though he refused her hands holding his arm carefully, he later on ignored it since she was persuading about him losing his balance.

"Wonder what happened all of a sudden. But don't worry, I'm right beside you, ok?" Twinkle smiled deviously, patting his shoulders as he helped walk him to the nearest door. Getting inside, she made him lie down over the couch. By the Abhi couldn't even properly decipher reality and dream. He looked up, but his vision was only half clear.

"What's wrong Abhi? Look closer, do you see me?" Twinkle whispered seductively, running her hands over his chest, trying to unbutton his shirt one by one. For a split second, Abhi thought it was Siya's face gazing down at him. Even though being intoxicated, he could clearly understand that he was in a position he clearly did not wish upon himself.

"Siya?" He asked worriedly... Twinkle smiled inwardly.

"That's right. It's me, Siya." Now he'll do the deed considering I'm his wife. She laughed, trying to get on top of him. But something clicked inside Abhi the exact moment. His vision cleared for a second, seeing Twinkle's disgusting smile right over his face.

"How dare you!" He glared, taking full force in his right arm and throwing a well deserved slap over Twinkle's face, causing her to fall over from the couch flat over the floor. She gasped, holding a hand over her stinging cheek.

"You vile bitch! You disgust me!" He spat angrily, trying his best to stand straight.

"Abhi how could you! You can't leave from here! No!" She screamed like a lunatic, only for Abhi to lose his remaining conscience as he kicked her angrily over her back, making her fall over again. He kicked her again in full disgust and hatred. How could she even think of doing this and that too, to a married man!? If anything, Abhi held in his desire to kill her that moment even under the influence of the drugs. He knew his body would fail him anytime soon so he left Twinkle's whimpering self all alone on the cold floor and aimed for the door.

I have to get out soon or this bitch will take another chance! Abhi ran frantically outside his room and gave a quick call to Mr Khanna. It wouldn't be long before he would lose his consciousness. He was already unable to walk straight.

"Yes Sir? Is there a matter?"

"Come inside the second floor of Silver Lining residency, right now! I'll be outside the first row of rooms. Quick!" Abhi's hand felt heavy, trying his best to hold the phone.

"Yes Sir. I'll be right there!" Mr Khanna ditched his conversation with the clients and rushed into the building in fear. His boss's voice already sounded quite weak and faint, so different from the usual strong and firm voice.

When Mr Khanna had arrived, quickly with all his strength, he saw Abhishek at the nearest entrance clinging to the wall desperately in need of support. Before he rushed to him, Abhi's legs had already failed him and he was on his knees.

"Sir! Are you alright!?"

"Agh the headache! It's not stopping!" Abhi cursed, holding his head roughly. Mr Khanna looked worried and confused.

"Should I take you to a hospital!?"

"No please. Just take me to Siya. That's all I want for now. Make it quick." Abhi could feel the intoxication kicking in. Twinkle can deal with him later when he's back to his senses, Abhi thought vengefully.

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