•|Part 6|; Shinsou..?~|•

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Izuku woke up to the ringing sound of his alarm. He got out of bed, reluctantly, and walked over to his closet. He got his uniform and a hoodie, since hoodies were allowed in the classrooms. They kept it fairly cold in there, so it's only natural for them to allow a hoodie. He got out his favorite extra-large hoodie, Izuku was a medium so it was comfortable and big on him. The sleeves hid his fingers and he could curl up in it if he really wanted to. In lime green lettering, it said 'I Just Wanna Have Fun' After changing, Izuku went to his bathroom to change his bloody bandages. He threw them away, then stuffed a tremdous amount of toilet paper to hide them.
Should I get a tongue piercing?
Izuku thought to himself like the impulsive teen he is. Izuku already had one of his nostrils pierced, and then a lip ring. Everyone was surprised when he first got it, thinking he couldn't handle pain or needles. Little did they know, he self harms every day. He loves needles, and changing his appearance.
Should I get an undercut...?
Izuku shook his head, paying no mind to the throbbing sensation as he did so. After taking one final look in the mirror, Izuku walked out. Not before spraying some cologne and putting on deodorant.
I walked towards the elevator, only to find Uraraka there as well. We made eye contact for a brief second, before she looked away.
Coward. Liar. Heartbreaker. Whatever, I don't hate her. I miss being friends. I have to make this right...
I cleared my throat, getting Urarakas attention.
"Can we still be uh, friends?"
I asked. No worry or doubt in my tone. As I knew what the answer would be.
"Omg! Yes please! I miss having you as my best friend!"
Uraraka teared up, throwing herself at me. It stung. My wrists and thighs were on fire. But that's not what hurt the most, my heart sunk as she did so.
Fuck, this hurts. I thought I was over her.
I sighed, gave her a smile, and walked out just as the elevator opened. I debated walking towards the kitchen. I haven't eaten in 2 days. The fear of someone catching on to my horrid mental and physical state made me walk to the kitchen. I swiftly grabbed a banana and took out a monster. I barley slept last night, so I needed the energy. Luckily, I bought them. They were for everyone, but I bought them. I put the cold monster in my hoodie pocket and walked out. Peeling the banana and putting my earbuds in I continued to walk to school. Before you knew it, I was there. I quickly took out my earbuds, and thew away the banana peel. I opened my monster and carried it to class.
Izuku took a sip of his monster and then placed it on top of his desk. He crossed his arms and then laid his head on them, sighing and closing his eyes at he did so.
We still have 5 minutes before class. I guess I'll sketch a little.
Izuku told himself as he uncrossed his arms and opened his backpack. Unzipping it and grabbing a black sketch book with some yellow tinted paper. He took out a sketching pencil and zipped his backpack up. Tucking his backpack underneath his chair and getting to work. He sketched himself, looking out the window beside his desk. Cherry Blossoms were in full bloom, and it was beautiful. He sketched the cheer blossoms, before Bakugo came and sat infront of him. Izuku paid him no mind as he continued to sketch. Taking a big swing of his monster as he did so. Before you knew it, the bell rung and it was time for class to start. Izuku put his sketchbook away and chugged down his monster. Aizawa didn't like when they drunk energy drinks, despite him drinking them himself. Izuku respected that..kinda, and so he crumpled up his empty can and walked towards the classroom trash. Throwing it away and walked back. Before he could sit down, Bakugo said something.
"I heard the shit show that happened between you and round face. She came to shitty hair bitching about it. He didn't leave out any of the gross shitty details about you guys fucking. I didn't know you had it in you"
Bakugo smirked, Izuku rolled his eyes and sat down. Leaning foward on his desk, putting his face right next to Bakugos ear. His hot breath sent visible shivers down Bakugos spine.
"You're funny, Kachan. Very fucking funny"
Izuku could see Bakugos eye widen, before they went back to his usual scowl. Izuku giggled, sending more shivers down Bakugos spine.
Yeah, he's gotten so used to me calling him Bakugo that it's messing with him. I guess I'll call him Kachan from now on.
I laughed to myself as I sat back down. I could still see the goosbumps my hot breath caused. I shook my head, a small smile playing on my lips. Aizawa-sensei walked in shortly after. Pulling his yellow sleeping bag with him as he did so. Surprisingly, Shinso also walked in. He was carrying a large duffle bag. I quickly caught on, knowing he was probably transferring to our class. He was one of the only people I liked and could tolerate.
"Ahem, morning children. Shinso will be in your class from now on. If any of you tease, pick on, laugh at, bully, or anything horrid to him I will kil-"
Aizawa-sensei was cut off by Shinos hand on his mouth. I giggled as Aizawa-sensei gave him a glare before yanking his hand away. I raised my hand, already having questions in mind. Aizawa-sensei called on me with a sigh.
"Oh, uh. I thought all our dorms were full. Are they not?"
I bit my tongue as to not ramble. I must have bit it a little too hard, because I quickly tasted a warm metallic in my mouth. Wiping my mouth on my hoodie sleeve, and looking at it. There was blood.
"Oh, problem child. We will have him stay with one of you boys while construction gets to work on adding another room."
Aizawa-sensei answered, sounding as tired and bored as ever. Shinsou sent him a questioning look at the name 'problem childs' but Aizawa-sensei payed no mind to it.
"But, dad-"
Aizawa-sensei sighed, interrupting his son.
"You get to pick who you'll room with, stop pouting"
Shinso perked up, scanning the room with his eyes as they landed on....
Oh, great.
I rolled my eyes, turning my head so he didn't see. He was one of the only people I could stand, though that still didn't mean I liked it. I couldn't self harm in piece, or get high, or sing my heart out!
For fucks sake...
"Um, can I room with Midoriya? He's the only one I really know here.."
I pursed my lips. Trying not to laugh as Aizawa-sensei sighed. He knew of my bad habits, my mental state, everything. Though I threatened to kill myself if he told anyone, and so he's kept his mouth shut.
"Pick a different person, someone more stable"
Ouch, what the fuck Shouta?!
I glared at him, which he visibly flinched at and looked down.
What the fuck?
I finally spoke up, startling a few people.
"I'll be fine. I'm perfectly stable. So shut it."
I snapped back. Emphasizing the word 'stable' as I did so. He wasn't fazed by my attitude, as he knew the real me. All our classmates heads were turned to me. Mouths hanging in shock. Even Kachan looked in disbelief.
Aizawa-sensei spoke up again...
Shinso ended up getting his way. Now we're sharing a dorm.

Fucking fantastic.

Word Count; 1331

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Also, this chapter had a lot of grammatical errors! I'm sorry..
I have AdHD, so my brain tends to skip over words while I'm proof reading. It's anoyying, and I ended up re-reading this chapter 4 times before I published it, only to find more errors :( so I'm sorry, if you please could you guys let me know when there's an error? Thank you!!^^ </3

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