Testing 1,2,3

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Lin and Yuki starred at their twin brother's. Blue and turquoise eye's looked at another set of blue and turquoise.

'How's it possible that they exactly like us. I know we're related by the same father. But, it's not possible to look like someone who's half related to you.' Thought Yuki.

Yukio was thinking the same thing. Even though he's part of the exorcist corporation and legion. No one informed him that he has distant relatives. In this case, older sister's.

Lin and Rin kept starring at Mephisto. Lin hoped that if she kept starring, her flames might set the clown on fire.

"Give it up Amy! That doesn't work like that!" Yelled the annoyed Yuki.

"If you have freakin flames for powers, it should freakin work! Flame on!" As she kept glaring at the dog.

Rin and Yukio starred at the bluenette oddly. Lin then looked at them.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." Then Yuki bonked her older sister on the head.

"Nuuuu! Stap dat!" Cried Lin, sounding like a familiar Swedish YouTuber.

"Baka! Keep it up and you'll get the Maka chop!" To prove it she pulled out her binder.

Lin only hid behind Yukio, "Protect me little bro!" Cried Lin, as she held on to his exorcist coat.

Yukio not expecting the physical contact from the strange girl. Blushed immensely, trying to move away, only for Lin to hold tighter.

"H-hey! Get off my brother!" Yelled Rin.

"He's my brother too, you know!" Yelled back Lin.

"Can you please let go of me." Shyly stated Yukio, still not used to having an older sister.

Lin looked up at the turquoise eye's that looked at her pleasingly. Her face began to heat up. And slowly let her grip on him, go.

"Y-yeah, sure, sorry about it..." Lin looked away.

Mephisto smirked at this, "Great, your bonding now, getting to know one and the other. Now, Lin, Yuki, your rooms are next to Rin and Yukio's room."

"Isn't that inappropriate to have girls and boys rooms near one and another." Stated Yukio.

Lin and Yuki only snorted. Lin covered her heating face for some odd reason. She never was ashamed to snort in front of anyone before. Yuki seemed to be doing the same thing.

The boys looked at the two girls. Seeing them embarrassed and blushing in embarrassment, made their faces heat up.

'What ...?'

"Yes, but not for family. And it's the best way to get to know each other better!" Cheered the dog.

"If you weren't a dog at this moment. I'd skin your pale skin and make it my trophy." Glared Lin.

Rin and Yukio shook at her dangerous tone Lin had. For a girl who looked like Rin. She was sure darker then him.

"I'm sure you would... now if thou need anything, ask your brother's. Tata!" And was gone with a poof!

"That was some circus shit! His he from the circus; now we can call his owners!" proudly stated Lin.

"Lin, that's called slavery. We're not in that timeline." Groaned Yuki, as she rubbed her forehead in an up coming migraine.

"Whatever man," She looked at the steps, then at the twin brothers. "Welp! It was nice meeting you two, so, see ya in the morning!"And ran off with her satchel close to her chest.

Yuki sighed, then looked at the two boys. "As much as I want to know you two. I'm beat, we'll talk more in the morning. So love ya guys, bye." And waved them good-bye.

Rin looked at his young brother who starred at where the two girls went. And nudged him in the ribs, "They really look like us."

Yukio nodded, for some reason, Lin seemed shy around him but not his brother. Probably because she was looking at a mirror, not a new human being.

Yuki seemed to act more free spirited and cheeky(, unlike Yukio).

But they were the opposite from each other, they were more out going and didn't care if the word 'spawns of Satan,' affect them.  One thing for sure, these girls were a new start to this mysterious family.

~Next Morning~

Yukio was getting ready for school when he heard some whining and bangs, then rubles from the next room. This got Yukio panicking,' Are the girls endanger?'

He dropped his messenger bag near the bunk beds, and ran for the room next door. Without a knock he bangs open the door.

"Miss Fujimoto, are you alright-?!" He stopped mid sentence, what stood before him was only a man should see his wife like. 

Lin was standing near her dresser looking for her pink skirt, only stick her panties in the air, shining at Yukio.

When she heard chocked gasps, she looked at the intruder and blushed tomato red. she couldn't even utter a word, her air pipes seemed to not work at the moment. And she her body heating up, and for some odd reason, she felt this other ego smiling gleefully in a seductive smile. 

And snapped out of it when her eye's saw familiar eye color of her own sister's, though on her brother. And seeing his blushing face still looking at her half nude-ish body.


the sound of a door shutting loud, after the sound of a yelp from a male teen being tossed out of the room. 

When Yuki and Rin walked by; when they finished brushing their teeth's and hearing the sounds of screaming.

"What happen?" Asked Yuki, as she held her towel.

"Yeah, and why is your face red little' bro." Wondered Rin, as his brother seemed to be in a daze. 

He snapped out of it, and looked at either of the two, "I don't want to talk what I saw..."

Lin slammed her door open, and stomped to the sinks in the first floor' passing the blushing Yukio, and curios siblings.

"What's up with her? and why is her face red? Is everyone getting sick now?!" Complained Rin.

"No you dork, I bet someone has been shined from a certain someone." Even though Yuki seemed to look like she was cocky. But under her teasing voice was a pissed off younger sister.

"Oh! I get it!" 

And that was how the morning began for the sibling's.

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