They met in front of the hotel the next day, and Narcissa asked, if anything would be still alright, and the younger witch said: ,,I'm definitely in the wrong world." Looking up at the Hotel in front of them.
Narcissa smirked, and placed a hand on her back, and said gently: ,,It's not that bad."
,,I doubt that..." she whispered, and followed Narcissa through the front door... they were walking a short corridor and through a glass door, and Hermione was overwhelmed by the large entrance hall, and muttered: ,,That moment, when I'm stepping a toe into your world."
,,Oh, believe me... this is not even close to my world." Hermione glared at her, and Narcissa shrugged her shoulders, whispering: ,,There would be more plants... green and black, or red and black chairs... house elves... levitating plates of small canapés, and champagne of course... and I think, if I would keep talking, you would hate me."
,,I do hate you right now..." Narcissa laughed, and they were greeted be the reception, were Hermione tried to explain the young man behind the desk, that they had have a coupon, but he was staring at her, as if she was speaking in german, so Narcissa placed a hand on Hermione's arm, and explained him the exactly same thing, but in an much more arrogant tone, and the young man gave them a warm, and polite smile and also gave them two cards...
,,My french wasn't that bad..." Hermione said, when they were standing in the elevator with their two suitcases.
,,It really wasn't bad... he was just an impatient arse." Hermione got more and more surprised by the woman next to her, and noticed the suspicious look on the card in Narcissa's hand, and explained: ,,That's a keycard."
,,You are kidding, right?"
,,Hermione... this is a card... how on earth shall I open a door with a card? I mean... with a wand, normal. A key... normal... wandless... also normal. But a card?!" Hermione couldn't stop herself from smirking, and they stepped out of the elevator, walked through a corridor, and Hermione showed Narcissa how to use the keycard.
,,Alright that is... interesting." she admitted, they entered a large room, stopped in the middle of the room, and looked at one single double bed.
,,Erm..." Hermione started, and looked at Narcissa: ,,No offense, but..."
,,Yes... No... I think I know what you mean..." Hermione thought about it and said: ,,I'll go downstairs, and try to fix this..."
,,Do you mind if I'm trying?" Narcissa asked, and Hermione shook her head, but left the room with the other witch. They went back down, and while Narcissa was speaking to the young man, Hermione could understand the half of it, thinking:
"God, that woman is damn fast..."
Finally she sighed, and turned to Hermione explaining: ,,They thought, we are coming here as a couple, and they don't have an other room... except we are paying for two single rooms."
,,No, no... I can sleep on the sofa..." Narcissa nodded at the receptionist, and they went back into the elevator, where she told Hermione: ,,Two things... first, hat guy is perfectly speaking english..."
,,How did you know?"
,,His thoughts were... disgusting." Hermione made a face, and her eyes widened at the next moment, to what Narcissa laughed and nodded: ,,Yes, I also heard your thoughts..."
,,And I thought you need a wand for legilimency."
,,Not with enough experience..." the other witch pointed out, and Hermione just nodded, asking for the second point, and Narcissa said: ,,It's not a sofa... at least not technically... it's a recamiere."
,,And you know I really don't care, do you?" Narcissa nodded smirking, and added, while they went back into their room: ,,And I do not bite..."
They spend the rest of the day with unpacking and exploring the Hotel, which was really huge... Hermione could find a spa-area, a swimming pool, sauna, and when she found the restaurant, she also met Narcissa, who was looking over the tables, muttering: ,,It looks rather uncomfortable..."
,,We can eat somewhere else, if you want."
,,If you don't mind?" Hermione shook her head, ans smiled at a memory: ,,When I was a kid, my parents often went into Hotels with me... never more than three stars, but... it was enough, you know? But we never ate in the Hotel's restaurants... my father always had said, that you don't visit other places to eat in the hotels."
Narcissa smirked, and Hermione continued: ,,He was right with that..."
,,May I ask you something...?" Narcissa asked when they were back in their room, and Hermione asked: ,,You want to know, what happened to my parents?" the other witch nodded, and Hermione said: ,,Everyone asks me that... when I've changed their memories, I didn't know that my mother had been pregnant. I found it out, when I found them in Australia half a year after the war. They were happy and... save, and that was everything I've ever wanted. It is something Ron didn't understood, but I've let them. I don't know, but it was... not really easier than fixing their memories, but... it was more the moment, I realized something."
The other woman looked patiently at her, and she continued: ,,I realized that no matter how good I might be... no matter how smart... I could have destroyed everything they had built up during the whole time..."
Narcissa didn't say anything for a while, before she said: ,,Let's have dinner... you could need some air, and food. Besides... I'm hungry, and believe me... if you want me as your room mate, you don't want to know me, when I'm hungry." she stood up, and reached out a hand for Hermione.
,,Come on, darling..." Hermione blushed slightly, took the offered hand, and they left the room...
They left the Hotel together, and while they were eating in a nice Restaurant a bit later, Hermione scrutinized Narcissa slightly... that woman in front of her had nothing of that woman, who was standing in Malfoy Manor, looking at her... almost staring at her... but even than, Hermione remembered, she had seen something in those eyes... she had felt something... something that is still a mystery for her. She met Narcissa's gaze, and jumped slightly, realizing that the other woman had been watching her... she wanted to say something, when Narcissa cleared her throat, and just said: ,,Yes, I've helped you through that... even though I wanted to forget it, but every day I see you in the Ministry... is a small reminder for me, that I will probably never forget it... I will never forget, that I've wanted to kill Bellatrix afterwards."
Hermione stared at her with wide eyes, and the woman opposite her nodded, and continued: ,,It was in the middle of the night, when I was standing in her doorframe... I had my wand in my hand, and the spell on my tongue... I was so angry..."
,,What stopped you...?"
,,Lucius." she sighed, and took a sip from her wine, continuing: ,,He was right behind me, grabbed my arm, and pulled me back against himself, whispering..." she smiled, and said: ,,He had whispered, that I'm not a mother for Draco, if I'm dead, because I've killed Voldemort's right hand." Hermione reached out for Narcissa's hand, saying: ,,You wouldn't have been a mother for Draco, if you would have ended up in Azkaban for killing your sister..."
Nice (not quite stupid) mistake
FanfictionKingsley's idea is, to send two employees into vacation, who normally don't have much to do with each other... so we aaaaaaalll know of course, who this will be, but... why on earth had Narcissa picked Hermione? Will they survive a whole week withou...