Chapter Nine: Dancing Through Discontent

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The next morning, after getting ready, Brodie, Matt, and I made our way to school together. I ditched them once I saw Marcus walking in with Max and Ginny.

"Happy birthday, Ginny." I gave her a small smile.

"Thanks," Ginny smiled back. "We're having a party at Max's on Saturday, if you want to come?"

"Oh, sure." I nodded politely.

"A what at our house?" Marcus interjected, looking at Max.

"A party!" Max smiled brightly.

"Uh, no. We're not. I don't want the bro squad infiltrating our house, puking in our bathroom, killing my fish," Marcus complained as we walked down the hallway.

"Hey, Brodie didn't kill your fish. He ate your fish," Max corrected him.

"That was hilarious," I said, and Marcus nudged my shoulder.

"You think it survived that trip, Max?" Marcus asked, annoyed.

"Come on! It's for Ginny's birthday. Just do it for Ginny." Max jumped up and down.

"Yeah, do it for Ginny." Ginny pouted at Marcus, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Fine," Marcus replied after a moment of hesitation. I followed him as he started walking away.

"What was that?" I questioned once we sat down at his usual hangout spot.

"What was what?" Marcus replied with furrowed brows.

"You and Ginny. Is there something going on between you two?" I gasped.

"No! God, no," he denied quickly.

"Hmmm... Sure." I gave him a questioning look. "Oh... my... God..."

"What?" Marcus inquired cluelessly.

"Look." I nodded in the direction of Hunter, who was tap-dancing in the middle of the hallway.

"What is wrong with this kid? He just keeps doing weird stuff all the time," Marcus scrunched up his face at Hunter.

"I don't want to look. Make it stop," I groaned.

I felt Marcus flinch beside me once Hunter went past him, making me snicker.

"Stop flinching," I told Marcus after he flinched again.

"I can't help it. What if he kicks me?" Marcus asked. He did nothing but pull a disgusted face at all the people tap-dancing, which made me burst out laughing and caused some people to glare at me. Once it was over, Marcus pretended to stab himself in the head with his pencil.

"Thank God that's over," I sighed in relief.

"Did you see what Hunter did earlier?" I asked Brodie and Matt in disbelief. It was now time for lunch, and I met up with the two boys at Brodie's locker.

"Yeah, wasn't it amazing?" Brodie wondered sarcastically.

"Want me to do that for you on your birthday?" Matt inquired with a smirk.

"God, no. If you did, I would jump out of a window," I told him as we started walking to the cafeteria.

"Hey, guys." Hunter greeted us with a smile as Jordan trailed behind him.

"Oh... hey." I awkwardly smiled back, making Matt snicker.

"What did you guys think of my little surprise for Ginny earlier?" Hunter questioned as we walked over to where Max and the girls were seated.

"It was great," Matt nodded, lying to his friend.

"Yeah, I was so jealous. Ginny is one lucky girl," I nervously laughed.

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