Chapter One: Welcoming Shower

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“Katie, I know you didnt want to have this big move in the middle of all this… well shit going on in our lives, I didn't want to either, but I didn't have a choice.” My dad looked over at me while driving through the thundering rainstorm. We were headed for our new home until we get moved somewhere else due to my dads work.

“Well it would have been nice of that company of yours to give us a warning instead of just sending you off and give you a week to pack up and move.” I pouted, slouched in the car seat. The rain had become something of a traumatic memory for me, as that day was raining, and once we were hit by the semi, I could only hear the sound of rain hitting the concrete for hours, as well as the taste of iron in my mouth. It always brought up unpleasant memories for me.

“Well, you know my work,” my dad showed a pained smirk, “never giving me a choice.” My father worked for a corporation that dealt in aircraft parts, and he was part of the estimation cost team. There was a plant in Rodans, and thats where they decided to send us, just after my mother died.

“...Why dont you get another job, it hasn't even been 5 months and they want you to just move on and leave Mom behind.”  I was moody. I’m pretty sure my dad knew why. Rain, until the rain would stop, I would be in this mood.

“I know, I know, just put up with it for another 20 minutes,” my father took a sharp left turn, and started down a seemingly endless dirt road, “we will be there soon.” The town that we were now going to live in, Rodans, was a town that I have never heard of. I love the outdoors, and would frequently travel with my family to go hiking through different areas in the New York state, but I had never seen Rodans on a map before. It was as if it wanted to stay hidden in its own little world, unbeknowing to the outside world, and yet it was only 50 miles from NYC. Odd. Whatever, I don't care about this town, we will be out of here in another 5 months anyway. The last 20 minutes were silent between the two of us, things have gotten awkward between the two of us since the accident. My dad told me he didn't blame me, but I am sure that somewhere in his heart he blames me, thats fine, I feel actually alive if he showed some hate towards me. I started shaking once the road was covered on both sides with a large dead forest of trees. You could see some where still alive, but the large majority of those trees were dead. For some reason, the rain kept getting louder, my breath grew ragged, and the scar began to throb in pain.

“Katie? Katie, are you ok?” My dad stopped the car, and grabbed my shoulders. I could hardly hear him, the rain is too loud, the pain is too much. I cant think… I started to see things in that dead forest. Things that were obviously not human. They looked like large wolves of some sort, approaching the car slowly.

“D-Dad, keep going, d-don't stop the damn car and drive!” I was afraid. Rain plus something that could easily come kill us if our doors gave way. Screaming at my dad was enough to get him to attempt to start the car again, but for some reason, it wasn't starting. Why wont it start? They are getting closer, yet this brand new car wont start. Why?

“Hmm, you stay here Katie, I’m going to go take a lo-”

“No! You can't go out there! There are b-beasts out there!” I grabbed onto him, the last thing I can call family, willingly going out into the open. I can't let something like that happen to my last piece of sanity. I can hardly do anything on my own to begin with, but the accident made me completely useless in almost all cases. I couldnt do school work anymore, I couldnt cook, clean, do anything around the house. I am basically a walking shell of my old self. When I look in the mirror, I don't see myself, I see a stranger looking back at me, with dead eyes that want nothing more than to die. These beasts out in the forest are the closest to death I had been in those long 3 months, but my dad wanted to go out there to see what's wrong with the car. Can he not see them? Am I finally losing it?

“Katie, its ok, there is nothing out there, I wont be gone long.”

“Da-” A door slammed in my face. He was gone. He had popped the hood and gotten out while I was spacing out. They were about 100 yards out now. I cant think straight with this god awful rain. I can see them getting closer, but I can't see my dad due to the hood being in the way. 80 yards. I am starting to hyperventilate. 50 yards. I roll down the window, water splashing on me as the rain is now getting in the car. I feel sick. I try and call out, but I cant. 20 yards. So this is how I am going to die. A group of creatures that seem like something out of a fantasy book. 5 yards. My dad slams the hood and gets back in the car. My window is still down. Its looking right at me. I want to scream, but I cant, I dont even have the energy to try and roll up the window.

“It was nothing, weird how a brand new car just randomly stalled.” He started the car, the engine roaring to life. The creatures were backing off, my miserable life extended just for a little longer it seems.

“Katie, roll up the damn window, you’re getting water all over the inside of the car.” I robotically rolled up the window, looking at the one creature that was inches from killing me seconds ago. It looked rather sad, speaking from its body posture, but besides that, the rain hid their bodies from my sight. The only thing I could really see is their size. With that, my “welcoming” party to Rodans is complete.


I'm just putting this here, might continue writing it if I feel anything towards this random blurb when I was giving a friend ideas for her own story.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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