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Leo was taking me to a fancy place. So I had to wear fancy. I wore a black dress. (A/n: I don't know how to describe it leet me out a photo)

 (A/n: I don't know how to describe it leet me out a photo)

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(The heals is in the picture)

Gigi started to check if I was completely done or something is messing.

"You look hot." She said squealing.

"And beautiful." Bella said.

"Hey girl-" Zayn said coming in but stopped once he saw me. "Gosh you look...." He paused.

"amaZAYN." I crossed my arms as he laughed.

"Yeah whatever, am so jealous of Leo." He said jokingly but Gigi out of nowhere throw at him a pillow as it landed on his face. "Jeez, anyways, your dad wants to check you before you leave." He said.

"Yeah coming." I followed him and the girls probably with us.

Once I entered my room which is mine ans Harry's, they were all laughing and talking. "Hey boys." Zayn said sitting next to him. Dad eyed me probably before looking at me, my eyes.

"Turn around." I said. Rolling my eyes I did. "It's little exposing but..... just stay safe, okay? Don't let him touch you or do something." He warned.

"Hey hottie." Louis said to me. "You are so hot." He winked.

"Thank you Louis." My phone buzzed. "Leo just texted me he is here so, see y'all!" I said as I excitedly grabbed my purse and left them.

Leo was leaning in his car with a cigarette between his lips, his eyes glued on his phone and oh my god. He was wearing a black suit. Even tho it's just simple but it's like, 'simple, but effective.'

"Hey." I said softly. Once he saw me he scanned every inch of my body.

"You look.... You look- wow am speechless." He chuckled, god his chuckle itself made me.... Blush. "Anyways let's go?" He asked.

I nodded as he opened the car door for me, what a gentleman. Once he hopped in the driver seat I had to thank him. "Thank you." I told him smiling.

"About?" He asked.

"About everything Leo! About you taking me on a date, about picking me up, about opening the car door for me and being a gentlemen, about complimenting me!"

"It wasn't a compliment, I tried finding one but I already told you, I was speechless." He smirked.

"Uh yeah whatever. Still s compliment for me." I shrugged.

"Right, your welcome." He smiled.

The next thing I knew is I was in a fancy restaurant like a very fancy restaurant which screams luxury. Checking the menu, everything here is so delicious. And as a food lover I don't know why but I had this thought of ordering the whole menu.

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