Glee Watching. By Bex

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Scene: Bex laying on the couch in her basement, watching Glee. Her nine year old brother come downstairs after getting home from playing at a friend's house.
Episode of Glee: "Love, Love, Love"

*Blaine proposes on screen*

Gator (li'l bro): Except for the fact that they are both boys.
Bex: What?
Gator: They're both boys. They can't get married.
Bex: *shocked silence*
Gator: They are both boys. They cannot physically get married.
Bex: *stunned*
*Gator goes upstairs*
*End scene*

So my parents support gay marriage. I know they do, I've talked to them about it (don't ask). I, personally, didn't know that being gay was a thing until fifth grade, when one of my classmates told me that there was a rumour going around at the public school (I went to a private Catholic school) that my best friend (Amanda) was a lesbian. I didn't know what the actual HELL a lesbian was, so, naturally, I asked the person I was talking to (Sam). He looked at me like :O. He then told me that "lesbian is gay but for girls." I was still so confused. I didn't know what gay was either.
I asked Sam what gay was and he told me what it was with a shocked expression.
I said "Oh," and went on with my day. I think he was shocked that I wasn't disgusted.
I don't think I actually cared that my best friend liked girls (she doesn't, it was just a rumour). I was raised to be accepting of everyone, no matter their sexuality, race, looks, or mental ability.
I'm not afraid to admit Glee is my favourite television show. I loved Finn, and when he died... :'( I loved how they made him SO accepting of Kurt being gay and I loved how Finn protected him. I loved that. I loved Kurt's and Blaine's relationship, and my own little brother telling me that my OTP's love was wrong... That broke my heart. Not even joking.
I understand that some people's opinions will never change, and I understand that, no matter how many times the Catholic church denies it, they ARE against gay marriage. One of the people I used to call one of my best friends informed me that TYLER FUCKING OAKLEY was going to go to hell because he was gay. Another person who told me similar was an online friend I had, whom I met through that other girl who told me that thing about Tyler. He was one of the people I most trusted in the world, even though I hadn't actually met him, and I had only known him a few months.

Here's how it went down.

We were the only ones online in group chat. As always, we were debating weather or not him and his best friend, Chris, who was also in group chat, are a gay couple. We got somehow got on the topic of YouTube, and I sent him a link to a Tyler Oakley video. He watched it and then asked me "Is he one of those gay rights people?!" To which I responded with a simple "Yes."
He then said something along the lines of 'I mean, Chris and I are always joking around about being gay... But it's actually just disgusting.'
I starting seeing red.
By that point Amanda had come online. And thank the LORD she did.
I closed the Google Hangouts app and opened the Facebook Messenger app, where I ranted to her about what had happened. I told her to tell Paul and everybody that I was sorry and I wouldn't be online for a couple days at the least.
I went to the extent of turning off all notifications for that app.
A couple days later, true to my word, I returned and found a message from Paul saying that HE FORGIVES ME!
I was seriously pissed off.
I eventually decided that it just wasn't worth it, losing a good friend over something like this. I wish I hadn't given in.
One last thing that bothers me SO FUCKING MUCH is when people use the word "faggot" in everyday language. My friend, Kendra, uses this word regularly.
"OMG you faggot!" She said often, referring to me oke insulting her.
What she doesn't get is that the term "faggot" is a derogatory term THAT IS MEANT TO HURT SOMEONE EMOTIONALLY.

In conclusion, I am a supporter of the LGBT community, and I believe that there is absolutely NO reason that more people can't be too.

A/N: I love you guys sooo much! Sorry that I'm updating a day late...
So I found something to rant about! I legitly hope that you guys don't unfollow us for me posting this.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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