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Hey guys,

I will update this every week if I can, maybe sometimes twice a week. Enjoy! <3

(Lily's POV)

I wake up and rub my eyes. The sun isn't up yet so it's still dark. I stand up and start to feel dizzy. Maybe I got up too quick? I walk downstairs and no one else is awake. I enter the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water. Soon after, I hear footsteps coming from the living room. I walk out and see Josie. 

"Hey Josie!" I say

"What are you doing up so early? It's 2am!" She replies, I then look at the clock and see that she was right. 

"Oh sorry, I felt a bit off so I came to get a drink." I say "Did I wake you?"

"Yes, it's ok don't worry." I smile and walk upstairs and leave Josie downstairs. I hear her turn the TV on as I close my bedroom door. Josie is my foster mum, but I think of her as my real mum as she adopted me as a baby and has looked after me ever since. I look up and smile as I remember today is my birthday. After that, I definitely can't sleep. I walk downstairs and join Josie on the couch.

"Can't sleep?" She says, in a calming and tired voice.

"Nope, I am too excited! It's my birthday"

"I know sweetheart! I have a great surprise for you! Happy Birthday baby girl." She says with a bright smile on her face.

"Thanks mum! What's the surprise? C'mon! You can't leave me on that!!!" I say, getting more and more excited.

"Nuh uh! You have to wait until your father wakes up. Double figures now! Big 10!" She replies

"I Know!! I can't believe it, I remember my 7th Birthday like it was yesterday." I say and let out a small chuckle. She chuckles back and taps on the seat next to her. I move over and place my head on her shoulder. 
"Any letters for me yet?' I say, hoping my idol Lana Parrilla has replied since I sent her fanmail the other week. 

"Nope, not yet! Sorry sweet!" She says, obviously hiding a smile. I decide to think nothing of it and sigh. 

"It's ok, I'm sure she's really busy." I say, "I didn't expect her to reply anyway. I just got my hopes up to high." 

I close my eyes, still resting my head on her shoulder as I feel her head on mine. I pull the blanket from my bed over us and close my eyes. I soon fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up from Dad and Izzy pulling me off the couch by my legs. "AHHH, GET OFF!!' I scream and they all start to laugh. I laugh too as my back crashes against the floor.  Izzy is my best friend, I have known her since I was a baby. We were both in the foster system together and when mum adopted me, mum's best friend Nikki adopted Izzy. Therefore we have grown up together. I look at mum and remember that she still hasn't given me my surprise yet. "Can I please have my surprise now?" I say and mum smiles while walking over to a pile of letters and handing me the top two. I look down at them and rip the envelope off the top one. 

Dear Lily,

I was so happy to receive your letter and I am so happy that you look up to me and that I inspire you! I heard it was your birthday today and I couldn't let you write me a letter and be left empty handed could I? I hope you enjoy your present from me and I can't wait to meet you. 


I look up to mum and start to cry. Lana Parrilla wants to meet me! I look down and tear open the packaging on a present attached to the letter. It's a pandora box. I look at mum who is smiling and I continue to open the gift. It reveals a feather charm. I smile as i realise that Lana sent me this! The feather is her symbol for hope. I close my fist with the feather I and hold it to my heart and let out a slow breath. "Open the other letter" Mum says with a smile on her face. I wipe away my tears and rip open the letter. I look down and find tickets to the once upon a time vidcon tomorrow. My jaw drops to the floor as I run up to mum and dad and pull them into a tight hug. "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" I scream as they all laugh. I run to Izzy and hug her too. She smiles at me. "Pancakes?" Mum says as we all nod and sit at the breakfast bar. One day, then I meet my idol! 

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