| friends ? |

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You felt uneasy as it is sitting here, but now you were alone.

'Hmph, Will I make more friends?'

'Or will I be a loner like that time in America?'

Your thoughts were interrupted when a tall boy with purple hair and a headband had seemingly came into view, you were confused but he soon spoke

"I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together."

"Yeah, well I cant." You got up and started to leave.


"I'm Reita Toritsuka!"

You glared at him before leaving to go back to your class, before you could you were approached by four guys.

You all just stood there for a second.

The blue haired one finally spoke up,

"Hey! You're the new transfer?"

"Uh yeah I am, actually." You said with a nod and stuck out your hand

"Y/n Tsumiki" You said with a small smile

"Ah! I'm Jet Blac- Kaidou!" He stumbled upon his words while shaking your hand, as a crimson blush creeped in his face, he flinched as he shook your hand, pretending your grip didn't hurt.

"Well nice to meet you, "Jet Black Kaidou" You said with a small laugh.

A dude with purple hair and glasses stepped forward and spoke,

"Aren Kuboyasu."

"Nice to meet you" I spoke

"Hey Buddy! I'm Nendou! This is my buddy Saiki!"

'Ah so Alien Boy is called Saiki?'

'Also this dude is kinda scary.'

"Oh! Nice to meet you both."

"Wanna get ramen with us later?" Nendou asked as I nodded in response

"Right, lets all walk to class together!" Kuboyasu tuned in.



I was planning on asking Aiura and Toritsuka about the new student after school, but now that ive been dragged along to get ramen with these idiots, I guess ill have to ask tomorrow.

But now I might be able to figure out why my powers wont work on her, this is really starting to bother me now, shes like another Nendou. Ill have to stay away from her, one Nendou is already enough.


Hm, these guys are okay, although one named Kaidou seems to have chuunibyou syndrome, Kuboyasu seems like a reformed delinquent, and Nendou.. is just Nendou, really. Oh, and Saiki, who ive nicknamed "Alien Dude" seems off, theres something about him. Ive been able to read all their minds except his? He's really strange.

"Were here!" Nendou exclaimed while approaching a nice looking Ramen shop.

"Finally! You made us walk like, 20 minutes!" Kaidou interviened

"Cmon, Kaidou were here now." Kuboyasu interrupted.

"R-right Aren."

Kaidou POV

'Why do I feel like this? everytime Aren speaks, or even makes physical contact with me, I get a weird fuzzy feeling in my chest. And it only happens with him? This is strange.'

You, and Saiki ended up hearing Kaidous thoughts and both your eyes widened, which you both noticed.

You furrowed your eyebrows at him but quickly looked away, heading into the ramen shop.

While waiting on your ramen Kuboyasu spoke up, "So, Tsumiki why'd you move here?"

"Oh, My dads family lives here, and he wanted to move back to be with them..plus he thought it'd be a fresh start." You spoke, hoping they wouldnt notice your lie.

"Ah, alright" Kuboyasu replied.

While Kaidou and Nendou argued the ramen arrived and you all dug in.

Ramen was one of your favourite foods, you tried to get some back in the UK but it just didnt taste the same, so you had a very pleased look on your face, with a huge smile, which didnt go unnoticed by the others.

"Hah! You look just like Saiki when he eats Coffee Jelly, Tsumiki!" Nendou remarked

"Oh! you're right!" Kaidou exclaimed

"Really? Haha.." You said, hoping it wouldnt be too awkward.

"Right, Saiki?" Nendou said

"Good grief" Was all that saiki "said"

He didnt..move his mouth? What?

You had a very obvious confused look plastered on your face.

"Tsumiki? You okay?"

You didnt respond and just kept looking at Saiki with your eyebrows furrowed

"Oh, sorry! Just thinking, thats all haha.."

"Huh? Okay.."

"Hm. its getting dark guys! We should get home." Kaidou suddenly announced

"Yeah! Kaidou, wanna walk home together?" Kuboyasu asked with a smile and a nervous look on his face

"Yes! Uh, I mean sure..hahah.."

They both got up and left together both looking as nervous as eachother

"Lets go, buddies!"

You and Saiki nodded as you three walked out of the ramen shop

You were walking as Nendou went on about his pet hamster, we came to a street opening

"This is my street! Bye buddies!"

Oh god, you would have to be alone in awkward silence with someone you barely know.

"Uhh, bye Nendou.."

You and Saiki were now walking in complete silence other than the passing cars and the rustling trees, you wanted to say something but had no idea what to say.

'Oh! Nendou said Saiki liked Coffee Jelly, right? Is that a conversation starter?'

"So, you like coffee jelly, right?"

Saiki's face lit up as he nodded a bit too profusely

"Huh, I used to have to get it specially made in America since it wasnt that popular.. I wanna know what it tastes like here though."

"Its a matured dignified treat."

"Wait, What?"

I had realised Saiki didnt open his mouth this time either, was I imagining things? No. Theres no way I couldve imagined that twice.

"Why didnt you open your mouth when speaking?"

Saiki froze.

Suddenly we heard footsteps running towards us.

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