Chapter 1- Surprise!

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As I walked to the prinipal office, as I did every week , a surge of panic washed through me. Was it for the incident with the bubbler? That was due to rusty pipes, not ME. How could I have done that, it's not like I have powers or anything. My best friend walked with me. She had to after the bubbler incident. " It's OK. As long as you didn't do anything wrong, you are safe." she alway knew how to calm me down, wich is why we're BFF's. She knew about dreams of mine, crushed or still alive. Though, her nervous bleat like laugh always had me on the edge of my seat, just like my w. The principal who had called wasn't there, though. There was a strange lady who looked like she was Selena Gomez who claimed to be Ms. Feer. Daphnis Oak, whos parents OBSESSED over Greek mythology and the Percy Jackson series, did her strange laugh. " Shut up, goat." Ms. Feer spoke in a tone sharper than broken glass. She directed a soft, warm, welcoming tone to me, " Well, Ms. Pipes why did you bring this... girl with you? Don't you have anyone else to go with you?"
Suddenly, I became super defensive " You may be older but, you are not beyond the rules of respect! And, this isn't a test. Why so many questions? Can you answer that one? Since the school couldn't prove it was me, they let me pick the guard. You should know that Ms. Feer. By the way my name is not Ms. Pipes." somthing told me not to tell her my real name.
Ms. Feer gave me a look that should have scared me. " I don't take disrespect or sarcasm, young lady." she used a voice as welcoming as ice and just as warm as it too. Most kids would have shut up there and then. I am nowhere near normal. As I felt the familiar texture of the bracelet my parents gave me for my birthday, I wanted a phone but no they gave me a useless bracelet instead , the weight seemed to shift. There was no use noting it though, this principal woud bore me to death before there would be any use in finding out why the weight shifted.
"Well, Miss. I guess you will get detention for the disrespect or some other punishment. Being the principal, I get to pick. I choose... DEATH!" she screeched as she lunged at me, becoming a woman with flames instead of hair and two different legs. One was a donkey leg the other was a mechanical leg. When I lifted my hands to block, a dagger was in my hand and cut her directly in half. Then she turned to sand castle in a fan, leaving the stench of sulfur and that feeling that those red eyes were still staring at me.
"We have to go. NOW." Daphnis bleated. She goat legs and hooves.
"Wha... Your feet... Hooves? Your legs... Goat? What's going on!" I stamered, than cried.
"WHAT did you DO to bring THAT HERE!?" Daphnis yelled. "YOU don't even have a PHONE!!"
I was too heavily shocked to even attempt to respond.
"As I said we have to go. NOW." Daphnis bleated. "It's a lot to take in at once, so follow me so we don't die. OK?" Daphnis bleated as she ran to the nearest exit.
I followed her. What else was I supposed to do?
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