Chapter 2 - Safe... For Now

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Three miles. Three miles?! I had been running for half an hour in the rain through never ending thorns to only get three miles away from that place!?
Just as I was very heavily considering smacking my goat friend, who could have soften the blow and told me in the year and a half we had been friends and not right after almost getting killed, when she told me we were finally "there" wherever "there" is. Then I saw the Poseidon cabin and all its beauty. The rain stopped and the thorns seemed to die, so I was no longer standing in the horrendous weeds. I was standing in the center of a gorgeous strawberry feild with more goat people.
"Chiron! Chiron!" one of the goat people was either yelling or bleating, I don't know.
My friend leaned in and wispered " The goat people over there and the running one, they are all satyers. I'm a sayter." I took a mental note on how she said it like you would say to a five-year-old "This is the number 5." exept not in the ridiculous tone.
Sorry for it being incomplete. I will update as soon as inspiration strikes. Please leave comments!! They are much appreacated!! Thanks! XD

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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