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you started to get worried when you woke up to see JJ not in bed.

You text him, and he responds with "I'm at work baby. I'll be home soon" You sigh and see what Pope and John B are doing. You go sit in the living room watching them play video games.

It's been a few hours later and you realize JJ never for works this long. You tell the boys you will be back and you go to look for JJ.

You stop by his job and see his Dad's truck. You run closer to it. You hide by a building to see if he's in there. You notice the whole truck moving.

You walk closer to see Luke punching JJ. You open the car door and pull JJ out. "y/n?" He says gasping for air. You see Luke and yell at him.

"What the hell!!" You shove him and try to help JJ up. "Dad I swear don't you fucking touch her." He says.

He wipes the blood off from his mouth. You notice he's breathing hard and you try to get him to sit down. Luke looks at you.

You walk up to him. Knowing he's not gonna hit a girl, nor a stranger. "What are you gonna do? Slap me? I don't think that would be very proper of you, you bitch." You say. Shoving him again.

He runs off into his car. You flip him off and he drives away. You see JJ smothered in bruises and cuts.

You hug him. He digs his head into your arm. "I'm so sick of him. I almost killed him!" JJ said starting to cry. "I know, i know. Your okay." You say calming him down.

You guys walk back to John B's chateau and he sits on the bed. You grab a warm washrag and put it over his cuts. "Owww" He says with a groan. "Sorry." You respond.

Once your finished you guys both lay in bed. JJ lays on your stomach. You run your fingers through his hair fixing it. Which makes him fall asleep. "I love you JJ Maybank." You say.

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