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Often, I am upset that I cannot fall in love.

Ash stared up at the ceiling of his childhood room in the quaint town of Pallet Town with his best friend Pikachu by his side cuddled up to him. It was currently 4 am in the morning.

His mind was in disarray with memories of the last few hours before he ended up in bed, muddling his thoughts and making him unable to sleep even though everyone else in the house had gone to bed more than a few hours ago.


It was a good day. Some of Ash's journey companions had come over for a visit -specifically Dawn, May and Misty- coincidentally at the same time and while Ash was semi-surprised when he woke up in the morning to find them sitting at his breakfast table chatting with his mother who welcomed them in, he wasn't bothered much.

So he shrugged, greeted everyone and pulled out a chair; sliding into it to eat his breakfast while inserting himself into the conversation his friends were having; while Pikachu, who was still half-asleep clamored onto the countertop and reached for the ketchup bottle on it that was then quickly snatched by Delia before the electric mouse could get ahold of it; Ash and his friend's laughter ringing in the background.


Ash, who had come back from Kalos about a month and a half ago and didn't have any plans to visit any new regions (yet) was enjoying life in Pallet helping out at Prof. Oak's lab and spending time with his many pokemon and mother. Maybe even visiting a certain Pidgeot flock leader once in a while, too.

His friends visiting was always a treat; he and Pikachu had a blast showing them around the lab and introducing his latest friends from Kalos to them.

It was all in all a good day. But of course, nothing ever stays peaceful for long around The one and only Ash Ketchum.

The night had started all right until someone had suggested that they watch the newest Pokemon Blockbuster featuring a spy-Greninja. Ash's Mother, Delia had told them to have fun 'but don't stay up too late!' and retired to bed early.

Everything went downhill from there.


The movie was good, of course. As expected of that specific studio and Greninja.

No, the problem started when his friends had started a conversation gushing about the romance in said movie.

"Don't you think that the romance between the two supporting characters was executed so perfectly?" May said, looking at Dawn who was sitting next to her on the couch.

Dawn nodded,"Yes! I for one can't wait till I meet the one if it means I'll be able to be loved like that." The sentence ended with a small smile.

Misty shook her head, "I would say that the romance was not needed but yeah, the romance really was executed perfectly."

May hummed.

She then turned her attention to the only other person in the room that hadn't spoken a word since the start of the conversation, "So, Ash. What was your opinion on the romance?"

"Uh." Ash blinked. His hand stopped petting the asleep Pikachu in his lap, surprised at the sudden question.

He thought back to the movie and how he felt during the romance part and if he ever wanted that in his life. When he thought about being kissed like that and being hugged in a romantic way like in the movie, he shuddered. It was a big fat no.

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