Chapter 10

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Just as Mea is about to say something the Kitchen door swings open and in falls all of my brothers- one on top of the other. 


"I'm going to kill you all now." I saw in a deathly tone. All my brother's faces have a look for horror and guilt on them. Every single one of them is there, except Sergio. 

I look over at Mea for help of what to do in this situation, but Mea will alway be Mea so she just picked up Vita and walked out with an "oh shit!" look on her face. 

"Thanks, Mea! Real supportive!" I yell after her, but I'm just met with her distant giggles. I shake my head and turn back to the guilty looking boys in front of me. 

"So, would someone like to explain what's going on?" I say in a deathly calm voice, to no one in particular. 

"I told them it was a bad idea! I'm innocent I tell you! Innocent!" Leo practically yells. 

"And as for the rest of you?" I say 

"Well, we were heading for the kitchen when Dad walked out, but he said not to go in, and to give you a few minutes, so we did not technically go in." Angelo tries to reason. 

"So just because you were not in the kitchen makes it okay to spy on people and eavesdrop on their conversations?" I tell them. After I say that it was like all hell broke loose. 



"well-" Is all I hear from everyone. 

"What is going on in here?" Sergio asks as he walks into our conversation.

"Nothing. nothing is going on, because they heard nothing. They might think they heard something and know what the hell is going on, but they don't. And might I suggest for the future to never, ever think that they do." I say and walk out of the kitchen, head held high and I make my way to find Mea. I go over into the living room to find Emiliano sitting on the floor playing with Vita while Mea is laying on the couch with Beckett. I smile at Vita and then go sit next to them on the couch. 

"Hey, lets go get you some breakfast Mr." Mea says to a tired Beckett, but he quickly gets up when the thought of food sinks into his mind. She giggles the same little giggle and grabs Vita from Emiliano. 

"I'll let you two talk." I send her a smile and a small 'thanks' as she leaves us in a calming silence. 

"You know, I really hate boys." I say after a few minutes 

"Is that so, because it seems like you got one wrapped pretty tight around that finger of yours. Well, and of course the rest of us as well." He says back to me. I roll my eyes and offer a small laugh to ease the awkwardness. 

"Not him! I love him. The other ones!" I joke.

"I know, I know. Mea told me the extent of their stupidity this morning, thats partially my fault, I should have known that my warning not to go into the kitchen would not be enough." He says. I roll my eyes and sigh 

"Don't blame yourself for their lack of respect." I say. 

"Go ahead, is there something you want to ask? It's okay." I say after a moment, I can feel his urge to ask me a question. 

"I'm sorry, I just have this feeling, well suspicion and after this morning It's just grown, but what happened? I get that you don't really know me or any of us for that matter, but what happened?" He says kinds nervously. 

I appreciated that the left the question fairly open ended, allowing me to control where it goes. 

"A lot of shit has happened in my life. I've done a lot of things, both good and bad." I say 

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