smack my ass like a drum

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The caller is... actually cupcakke....? Music starts playing in the back but Ed isn't quite familiar with it. Cupcakke remixes are playing all Ed hears is "SMACK MY ASS SMACK MY ASS LIKE A DRUM" ED IS VERY CONCERNED. Cupcakke starts dancing and all Ed sees is a body on the floor and blood on the walls.  His music video is playing in the back cupcakke says "are you in love with the shape of me?" She winks.

Ed is so confused his heart starts to beat harder why would cupcakke do this? Cupcakke is still dancing and singing "IM IN LOVE WITH THE SHAPE OF YOU!!!" Ed is very mad. He's lost in his thoughts he just saw a dead body and now cupcakke is dancing. The screen starts glitching and the song starts to distort. He shouldn't have joined the call.

This is overwhelming for Ed. He tries leaving but he can't seem to click anything. He gets really worried and starts opening his laptop and types "cupcakke" into the search bar. NOTHING comes up....? He looks over to his phone and tries turning it off but something comes up...

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