game bet

16 1 0

how does wattpad work
also i probably will update... never :x
okie ill shut up now


Screams and clangs drowned the music as blinding lights strobed, flashing all colours of the spectrum. In the overwhelming atmosphere heavy with competitive and excited vibes, I chuckled nervously as Akumi perched on my shoulder, cooing into my ear. "C'mon~ Let's place a bet on the game shall we?" Honestly, Akumi is just like a parrot... you can always expect incessant chatter when you're around her. I felt uncomfortable as she pestered me to make a decision. Finally, I muttered a reluctant "fine" and was instantly met with a squeal of delight. She clapped her hands excitedly as she sang out, "Ten dollars!~" I sized up my opponent. Easy game. I grabbed the wheel, set the map, and the game began.
And obviously, I left his car in the dust. Slamming the accelerator, I sped ahead, skilfully weaving through the other cars and snagging first place. I snickered softly as he attempted to zoom forward, only to crash straight into the wall. He growled in frustration and I held back the urge to laugh. I purposely chose an easy map for beginners... guess he's not cut out for racing games. With a couple sharp turns, straight roads and obstacle vehicles, it was over, just like that. And my opponent placed dead last. Akumi wasn't quite pleased by this result. "How are you so good at this?" she drawled. I could taste the faint hint of dissatisfaction and sarcasm in her voice.
I shrugged in response. "It's more than just putting the pedal to the metal I guess." She narrowed her eyes. What else was I supposed to say? I gazed evenly back at her. Then she broke the staring contest by rolling her eyes. "Well, do remember to focus on your studies as well," she said, radiating an aura of false concern. "Wouldn't want to die an uneducated pauper, am I right?~" Instead of glaring at her, I remained silent. Thankfully, our time in the arcade was up, and I brushed past Akumi as we were leaving. "At least I'm not leeching off my parents' fortune. Learn to control that pretty little mouth of yours, alright princess?" Her cheeks tinted with blush as she glared daggers into my back. But I didn't look back. As I reached the exit, my opponent held out a ten dollar bill. Nearly forgot about that... I snatched it out of his hand, then felt a twinge of guilt, so I quickly grabbed his hand and shook it. "Good game," I offered a friendly smile, and he smirked in return. "I'll get you next time, watch your back bro." "We'll see," I called over my shoulder, waving casually as I walked away.
...No, I won't be affected by some self-centered drama queen. She could flaunt her riches, but she's not alone. Everyone owns these things.
I left out the fact that I wasn't part of "everyone" in that statement.

if i made any mistakes dont hesitate to shame me :>
oke byebye

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