Thankyou Blood King, for deciding my fate on my 18th birthday. To be your slave!

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Chapter 1:

            It was going to be a cold, pathetic day. I could tell by how the sun shadowed behind the dark clouds and the air was warm and humid. Humans didn’t enjoy this type of weather, especially in the summer when boys showed off their newly toned abs and girls, their fresh, tanned legs.

            Mother finally called and told me to come home this summer. She rarely calls. She thinks sticking me in a huge mansion in the middle of California was going to brighten my spirits and teach me some discipline. The only thing it did was make it worse.

            “What is your name?”

I tilted my head to the side, neglecting this dumb question I have to answer everyday. My eyes bore into Dray’s electric green ones as he stared at me impatiently.

My mentor is a persistent, vindictive man. He only followed the orders of my mother, and I think that’s what pissed me off the most. Despite his orders, he has no soul. Never have I seen or sensed one emotion or personality trait other then arrogance, and I personally think that’s pathetic, especially for one who has many abilities. Girls fell over him when they spotted his physical traits. His masculine, tight jaw, muscular body build, and flawless skin called to them silently, I suppose.

            I knew Dray was growing more exasperated by the second. I gave him this shit everyday. His jaw tightened, and he sighed.

“Annessa Vanforth.”

His facial expression didn’t change, as he continued to stare at me. Even if Dray was pissed as hell, I wish he’d try to get one little sip, one little morsel of my blood. My mother wouldn’t have it.

            “Remember who you are in this world, Annessa.”

I nodded, tugging on my fur coat. His eyes never left mine, and this made me wonder why he was acting so odd. Is he worried about something? Dray, worried? The world must be coming to an end when Dray could actually express an emotion other then anger.

            “Okay, lessons done. I’m getting in the car. If you don’t want to come to school today, I don’t care.”  

            Dray never looked back, as I opened the door and pulled my book bag over my shoulder.

            “Tomorrow is your eighteenth birthday.”

            “I know.”

I shut the door behind me, not wanting to hear it anymore. For some reason, Dray has always made a big deal about my birthdays, even when I was little. Something in his eyes altered when it would come near, but I never cared enough to figure out what it was. But something in me led me to the library on Eighth Avenue – I don’t know what, but I doubt that this place had nothing but human knowledge. Besides, school taught the same thing over and over every single year, but it turned out that humans have the attention span of a retarded vampire. Figures.

            When I got to the library, I immediately began looking in the genre ANCIENT HISTORY. Unintentionally, I attracted some college boys from their studies, because they followed me to my destination, but – thankfully – they kept their distance.

            My eyes first landed on a book with an italicized font, something in Arabic. It was thick, with gold-rimmed pages and a dusty leather cover. This was most definitely antique, and rarely touched. Some people were apparently not as curious as me, but as far as I’m concerned, Dray could be worried about something my future. My life could be sitting on a weak, wooden pedestal, and I don’t to know if I could stop it from collapsing.

            I looked at the book’s contents and found the simple number 18 as one of the titles. How convenient.

            The emotions from the boys standing a few feet away from me, made me want to puke. How could someone be so incredibly vile in the mind? It’s a sick characteristic, really.

            I flipped to the page of the chapter and began to read.

My eyes got wide, as my mind absorbed the information.

I couldn’t believe it.

I’m sorry if you don’t like it, but SEX by Chris Brown is playing in my ears and I am very much distracted, and I refuse to turn it off. So, Stay tuned, but only If you wantJ

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2011 ⏰

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Thankyou Blood King, for deciding my fate on my 18th birthday. To be your slave!Where stories live. Discover now