chapter 20

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"Hey Ryder, how- you look different??"

Max gave Alec an easy smile as he leaned on the lockers.

"Just call me Max" he said instead.

"Umm okay?" Alec asked, eyebrows raised in question and Max nodded.

"See you at lunch? I have class" he waved goodbye and left, leaving the eyes of the whole school to look at him.

"Holy shit that's Max Styles"

"Oh my god what is he doing here?"

"Does Nate know??"

Max rolled his eyes, a hand going through his messy curls. Glasses and contacts ditched for a pair of shades instead, perched on top of his head.

He came to a conclusion after last night when he sat down at the park alone as the night came, still alone when it started drizzling and running home alone in the rain.

Love was not worth it.
He should have known, not all people get lucky to have love.

Harry and Niall? Sure, they're lucky.

Denise and Greg? Yes, them too.

His mom and step dad? Same situation but him?

He just wasn't worth the love and love wasn't worth it.

"Max?" He turned towards the voice and saw a The Horan twins and Louis looking at me with worried expressions.

"What's up?" He asked as a girl passed them and gave Max a once over look.
This strangely felt like a 90210 or glee episode went wrong.

"Are you okay?" Louis asked, eyes narrowed suspiciously at the boy.

"I'm fine" he shrugged.

"So um, I went to the office just now to help my teacher and saw a transfer slip on the table with your name on it" Niall said, looking at him with eyebrows raised.

"Yeah I'm leaving, the sooner im out of here the better" Max said.

Nate has been silent all along, looking down at his shoes but when he heard transfer slip, he looked up at Max.

Dammit why was his heart beating so damn hard?

Max didn't even spare him a glance as he left for class and Nate could feel his chest constrict with the pain. Is this what karma is? Is this what Max felt when he rejected his love?

But Nate didn't reject Max's love. Nate lied about not loving him, for the both of them, he couldn't be the Nate Max wanted.

And he wanted Max to love him for who he is now, not who he was.

"Nate? You coming?" Niall asked, he couldn't be that mad at his brother but Louis refused to even acknowledge him after he knew what happened.

"Yeah" Nate mumbled as they all went to their classes.


Nate didn't see them at lunch, he didn't have the appetite to eat right now so he went to the wall at the back of the school and sat down there.

The graffiti work was a nice distraction from all the chaos is mind and heart are in right now. Although most of the chaos was caused by him.

But he couldn't help it.

He didn't ask to be put in the car when the accident happened.

He didn't ask to forget every thing except for some little details and facts.

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