Chapter 1

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Your POV

I was walking towards my mom begging her that we can go to Treasure Island,

"Mommy please can we go to Treasure Island please!"

"Alright (Y/N) we can go to Treasure Island." she said,

"Yay!" I shouted,

We went in the car and went to Treasure Island, but when we got there it became abandon.

"W-What happened to Treasure Island?" I asked,

Few years later

I was looking at the newspaper to see if I can apply for a job when I found an article saying,

'Treasure Island looking for a new night watchman, 50$ per night 12:00am to 6:00am'

"I haven't been Treasure Island since I was little when it becomes abandon." I said,

I dyld the phone number on my iPhone when it answers,

"Hello can I help you?" a man asked,

"Yeah I like to apply a job to be the night watchman." I answer,

"Of course just tell me you name and last name."

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N)."

"O.K your hired your shift starts at Monday through Friday."

He hang up and I jump for joy cause I finally got a job.

At night

Today is my first night at Treasure Island so I got into my car and drive to Treasure Island.

I got there when I knew it's still abandon.

I went inside noticing that there's a photo negative Mickey suit and a Donald head.

I felt creeped out by the head when I continue walking. I found something behind the large boxes when I knew it was my favorite character Oswald.

He looks unfinished and has no color and no arms.

I felt bad for Oswald for being unfinished when I continue walking to the office.

I'm almost there when there's another head, but this is a Goofy head with his eyes closed.

I felt creeped out again when I continue walking to the office.

I finally made it when I sit down. I look at my phone notice that it's 11:59am and change to 12:00am.

The phone rings in the office when I new it's a pre recorded message.

After message

I can't believe that they walk around when there blind, but they can hear noises, I'm getting scared already.

I look at the cameras when there all in there same spots. When I check on Oswald he's not there.

I got scared and check on Mickey notice he's not there as well.

I'm starting to freak out as I put up the cameras. I started to whimper a lot when I check on my iPhone noticed that it's 5:30am. (Oh did I mention that your shy as well)

I just want this night to end when I saw both Mickey and Oswald standing in the office.

"Mickey I swear I heard that noise before." Oswald said,

"Yes I know I heard it." Mickey said,

"Y-You guys meant me?" I asked,

"Wait (Y/N) is that you?" Oswald asked,

"Yes." I answer,

Oswald rush towards me when I knew he's trying to give me a hug since he has no arms, so I hugged him.

"It's been so long since I last saw you when you're little." he said,

"I know and I miss you so much." I replied,

"Well that's a cute couple even though I can't see." Mickey said,

I let go of Oswald when he shouted,

"She's not my girlfriend!"

"Geez calm down I'm just joking." Mickey said face palming,

"Whatever Mickey." Oswald said walking away,

The 6am bell ring it's time for me to leave.

"See you tomorrow (Y/N)." Oswald said,

"See you tomorrow." I replied,

I went to my car then drive off to my house for some sleep.

I went inside my house then to my room and finally some sleep, some reason I kept dreaming of Oswald every time I sleep.

Is it possible that I want Oswald to be more than friends?

Oswald's POV

I went back to my spot behind the boxes and for some shit eye. Some reason that I kept dreaming of (Y/N) when ever I sleep.

Do I need (Y/N) to be more than friends?

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