Risky buisness

613 29 11

Paul slipped on the skirt and looks at himself in the mirror. 'Boy this'll make John confused.' He applied the mascara to his eyelashes, making them even longer than they were to begin with.
'How do birds wear their hair nowadays...' Paul thought for a moment and curled part of his hair, then did something to it to make it look more 40s/50s pin up girl style. 'Alright I think I'm good to go.' Paul finished buttoning the puffy shirt that made it seem he had curves that he didn't and tucked it into the skirt then grabbed a little bag thing.

John got up and opened the door. 'Who could it-...' "Paul..?" John looked over his boyfriend, who was dressed as a girl.

"Hello handsome. We're goin' to go on a real date, and we're gonna be able to kiss and hold hands. How's that?" Paul smiled wide at his achievement.

"Did you shave your legs??" John was answered with a smooth leg being lifted in the air in his direction.

"Sure did. I could have passed if my hair looked like yours but I doubt I would have with the forest I had on my legs."

"Well...I'm very confused but I suppose lets go. Would you like to go to a club? Or...a restaurant?" John made a face and shrugged.

"Is a club anywhere to take your lady on a first date?" Paul gave a sassy look back.

"You-..you're..ok whatever, restaurant it is. Let's go." John stepped closer and inspected Paul's face further. "You've done yourself up."


"...you look...pretty..?" John pulled on a jacket and walked out of the house with Paul, wrapping his arm around his waist. "People are looking.."

"Because they see such a tough, handsome teddyboy with a..well a not so tough looking bird."

John straightened up some, puffing out his chest. "Yeah! And you're all mine."

"I sure am."
At the restaurant, the two were seated and they ordered their drinks. "I've got to use the loo, Be right back." Paul got up and walked to the bathrooms, pausing in front of men's, then turning to go in women's.

John was looking down fiddling with his buttons when he felt another person slide into the seat. "I think I'll get this-..oh." A girl was sitting in Paul's seat, smiling at John.

"Was that your girlfriend?" She gestured towards the restrooms.

"Er..yeah." 'Oh god..' John fought off the urge to roll his eyes.

"Shouldn't someone as handsome as you be with someone petite? Like me?" She smirked.

"I like mine just fine, thanks though."

"Oh c'mon, cutie. She's almost taller than you..that can't be convenient for certain things.." The girl laid a hand on John's.

'Paul hurry..' "U-uh I'm really ok..thanks.." He tried to pull his hand away.

"I think he's fine with me, but you could take it up with me if you'd like?" Paul laid a hand on the girls shoulder and she turned the got up.

"No..sorry." She walked away, Paul sliding into the seat. He cleared his throat, having raised it to sound feminine.

"What the fuck was that?" He looked furious.

"I was bein' hit on." John shrugged. "I didn't like it though I swear."

"I believe you. I just...ugh I'm so mad now." Paul pouted.

"Shh, it's alright you're mine and mine alone. Yeah? And I'm yours." John gave a reassuring smile.


After a wonderful lunch, the two went to walk in the park. John's arm snaked around Paul's waist once again.

Someone whistled from a bit away, making Paul blush. "Who the fuck-" John started to turn but got stopped.

"John, no." They whistled again and John managed to escape Paul's grip and go punch the guy hard in the nose.

"Fuckin' whistle at someone not taken dickhead!" He huffed and walked back to Paul.

"John! Why'd you do that!"

"Cause 'e was rude. Now lemme walk you home."
Paul pulled John around the side of the house and kissed him. "Mm this was wonderful, John..just like I imagined."

John smiled and kissed Paul's forehead. "Thanks, princess. How are you going to get in?"

"I left my window open. Try not to look up my skirt, lennon!" Paul poked John's chest and smiled then started climbing until he reached the window. "Good night, John."

"Night, Paul."

Short but sweet!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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