Chapter Nine

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-Bakugou's POV-

The feeling of this little thing growing in me was quite strange at times. It was hard to get comfortable when doing anything and reaching things on the floor was a difficult endeavor now. There's been a few times I let my hormones get the best of me, which wasn't good when I'd yell at Kiri. He always seemed so hurt after which made me feel guilty and cuddled him to try to apologize.

I was currently hiding in the closet, not wanting to yell again. Kiri was out with the others, definitely needing the break. I slowly sat down in the corner, tearing up at the memory of our small fight. It was mostly me yelling about something irrelevant and him trying to calm me down. He had tried to hug me during the yelling and I hit his chest a few times till he let me go.

I heard the front door open and Kiri walk through the house. He'd probably already forgotten about the fight but I refused to face him yet. In truth I didn't want to forgive myself over the matter. He's only been kind and understanding and I yelled at him and hit him, he didn't deserve that.

"Kat, where are you?" He asked, yelling through the house.

I bit my sleeve to keep from replying, the tears falling slowly.

"Kat?" He yelled again as I let out a stifled sob.

I guess he finished searching the rest of the house because the bedroom door opened and I saw him through the slats in the door as he looked around. He looked very worried as he searched the room. He came towards the closet, yanking the doors open and sighing when he saw me.

"Hey, why are you crying baby?" He asked, his voice as sweet as honey making me cry more.

"No no no, don't cry, it's ok. I'm here, don't worry." He said with a soft smile, pulling me close to him.

He held me in his arms as he rocked back and forth with me. I continued to cry into his shoulder, filled with guilt and ashamed of myself. He carefully picked me up and went over to the bed before laying down with me in his arms as he cuddled me. I cried for who knows how long before the tears dried up and I was just trembling in his arms, as warm and safe as they felt.

"There you go Kat. Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, gently rubbing my stomach and nuzzling my neck.

"N-no, let's just go to bed." I said, trying not to bother him.

-Kirishima's POV-

He was definitely hiding something from me, but I wasn't going to push him about it if he didn't want to share. I gently kissed his cheek and held him closer to me as I started to hum a soft tune. I couldn't wait for his appointment tomorrow when we go to see what their gender is. I was really hoping for a boy, though I definitely wouldn't complain if I got a daughter. After I noticed Kat was asleep I kissed him again and snuggled up to sleep as well.

-Time Skip: The next morning-

I woke up to an empty bed, which was pretty common recently. I got up and went into the kitchen, finding Kat making something that smelled amazing. I wrapped my arms around him from behind, enjoying as he melted into me right after. In front of him was a pan that had what looked like a bunch of eggs and bacon mixed together.

"How's my beautiful and pregnant mate?" I asked, kissing his cheek gently.

"We're doing fine, just gotta feed the little runt." he said with a chuckle.

I knew better than to ask about yesterday or he might go into another crying fit, and I wasn't trying to repeat last night's breakdown. I chuckled at his comment before breaking away to make me something to eat. I ended up settling on oatmeal. Kat wasn't too happy about me walking away from him, though didn't say anything when he saw me making food. He did keep his eye on me though as I turned the stove on.

"Make sure not to burn the house down idiot." he said, going to the living room to eat.

"Don't worry Kat, I'll try not to." I replied.

There was a saw that got turned on outside. They had started to work on the baby's room a while ago and it sometimes required us to leave the house so they could do something. The last time we had to step out was a few days ago when they were going to be working on the roof, not wanting it to collapse on us if something went wrong. It was going to be a fairly spacious room when compared to the rest of the house.

"God do they have to do that this early in the morning?" Kat asked, obviously annoyed by the noise.

"They gotta get the room done before the baby arrives Kat, relax a little bit." I stated, kissing his cheek which made his frown lighten up.

"Tch, whatever." he grumbled, going back to eating.

-Time Skip: Later that day-

Kat and I were walking around in the field, hand in hand. I could hear the others down by the pond but Kat didn't want to go near them, so we were heading to the tree we always hang out at. Somehow the others haven't found it, despite its very visible location, but I guess it just wasn't as interesting to them as it was to us. When we reached the hill I had to help Kat make his way up, seeing as he was struggling a bit.

"Just a bit further Kat, we're almost to the top." I said, excitedly.

"Ha~ ha~ just gimme a second." he said, panting as he sat down for a second.

"Are you ok?" I asked, now worried.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine, just winded." he huffed out, still trying to catch his breath.

"We could come back another time, I don't want you to tire yourself out." I said, still concerned.

"No, we're almost there. Might as well keep going." he stated, getting back up slowly and started walking again.

I walked behind him closely in case he fell, though he didn't and smirked at me when he made it up. We went over to the tree and sat down next to each other, Kat laying his head on my shoulder as we watched the petals fall and the sun set. It was quiet except for the occasional rustle of the leaves above and around us. I wrapped my arm around his waist as he laid his in my lap. I looked down and saw a small smile on his face as his eyes closed, looking like an angel next to me.

"I love you Kat, and our little ones." I said, watching his smile grow.

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