Part 51

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Everyone was having their dinner peacefully. Majority were genuinely happy for the couple while 'some' if you know who I am talking about, just needed a reason to spoil the happy moments. They had something or the other to say but apparently no one really cared. Everyone had learnt to ignore.

Nandini and Mukti were serving everyone cause they were done with their dinner early. And no one wanted staff to serve the guests.

Manik: Um Mukti pass me the rice please.

Though, he knew rice was in Nandini's hands, it was awkward to ask for rice from your love among family and guests and some toxic guests too.

Mukti looked at Nandini and nudged her shoulders to go ahead , with a sprinkle of teasings ofcourse.

As soon as Nandini came near Manik, Manik looked at her and somewhat made gestures showing she should not have come. WHY? BECAUSE..

Cabir: OHOOOOOO dekho dekho kya baat hain? Mere Laila Majnu yaha guests me bhi? Bhai control ha not that I mind getting the good news the next day of your wedding but still Bhabhi needs to take some time no?

Dhruv: Next day kyu Cabir on the wedding day um?

Abhimanyu: Why not today guys?

Manik glared at Dhruv and Cabir and literally punched Cabir's stomach with all his might.

The elders tried to control while the super-elders that is the aged people tried to be normal but all in vain, the whole crowd, everyone present burst out in fits of laughter including the hotel staff.

Nandini did not know how to react and so keeping the plate beside Manik, she ran up the terrace while Manik cursed his fate.

Raman: Ahem Manik pyaas nahi lagi beta?

Manik: Hmm? Haan haan lagi hain main aata hu.

Saying this, he too followed Nandini.

While the rest continued with their food .

Manik ran up to see Nandini standing by the railing deep in thought. He moved ahead to see her too engrossed somewhere. Standing beside her, he elbowed her?

Nandini saw him and soon a red hue covered her face.

Manik smirked.

Manik: You think I am here to grant Abhi's wish?

Nandini: Umm Um ky- kya bol rahe ho Manik?

Manik was liking his affect on her. He trotted closer.

Manik: Abhi to kuch nahi. What do you want me to say or rather do?

Nandini was nervous as hell and Manik's hands on her back due to her backless kurti was just making her more nervous.

Manik leaped closer and with the help of his fingers on her chin , made her look up. Sensing no discomfort at all, he pecked her lips surprising her. She was definitely not expecting just a peck.

Doing it, Manik withdrew his hands leaving her standing as a statue.

Manik raised his eyebrows. Getting no response, he waved his hands infront of her and at last pinched her nose a little.

Manik: Back here shorty.

Nandini, leaving all her thoughts beside was now running after Manik.

Nandini: Shorty? Ha and who are you Mr. Giraffe?

And all that was getting in her hand was on his face straight. Manik continued running for his life, but he had to stop to stop Nandini from throwing the vase she had her hands on.

Manik: Nandini Nandini Sorry please I am not even married yet duh. Vase nhi please.

Nandini realizing , she was about to throw a legit vase on him, kept it aside.

Nandini: I am sorry, I did not realize I had my hands on a vase.

Manik was going all aww on her cuteness.  He approached her and whispered : I knoow right isiliye to sherni bulata hu tumhe You know when shernis have eyes on their prey, the do not realize anything around them.

Nandini : HAHAHA, (Nandini turned around and started moving towards the couch) I would take it as a compliment Mr. Giraffe.

Manik following her : It was meant to be one.

Nandini fake smiled at him followed by Manik returning her an even more fake smile.

Nandini chuckled and shifted to the left making space for Manik to sit.

Manik settled down and both of them started talking, about anything and everything.

Topics to topics and hours to hours, none realized the time even.

It was around 3 when Nandini fell asleep. Seeing her sleeping, Mani carried her to her room. Making sure she is comfortable, he too went back to his bed, seeing new dreams coz the NEXT DAY IS THE FIRST STEP OF THEIRS TOWARDS NEW BEGINNINGS.

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